As India celebrates her 76th Republic Day, we proudly salute the spirit of democracy, equality, and unity enshrined in our Constitution. But did you know that the principles guiding our nation’s progress can also inspire us to rejuvenate the ‘constitution’ of our body? This Republic Day, let’s explore how to honour and rebuild our body’s […]
Tag: Sleep
Digestive Issues And Sleep Disruption
Many individuals face difficulties in both – falling asleep and maintaining a restful sleep. While common causes include excessive caffeine intake, stress or the natural ageing process, there is one crucial aspect often overlooked, in relation to sleep issues – Digestive Distress. Did you know that unresolved gut problems could be the primary obstacle preventing […]
The Healing Power Of Sleep
Shakespeare recognised the remarkable recuperative, curative and invigorating properties of sleep. To him, sleeplessness was one of the greatest curses of man, it put one out of harmony with nature, ruining both body and mind. Fifteen hundred years before Shakespeare, in ancient Greece, sick people were brought to the temple of Morpheus, the God of dreams, and left there overnight to recuperate. In the tradition of […]
Fitness Funda Of The Week By K11 Academy of Fitness Sciences
Sleep Smart With Melatonin When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, rarely is it linked to your hormones. Let me share an important connection in this regard. The chemical messenger in the body that controls sleep is the ‘Melatonin’ hormone. How? Melatonin levels rise in darkness (sunset/night). A nerve pathway in your eye […]
Bushyansta, The Slothful!
Thou didst ordain, Ahura, the night for all to rest and commissioned Thy Sraosha to guard the sleeping world. Peacefully we sleep and peaceful dreams attend us for Thy ever-wakeful angel guards us. At the break of the dawn, Atar, the genius of the fire of the hearth, sounds his warning voice against the stratagem […]
Give Us The Sleep Of The Innocent
Ahura Mazda, Artist Divine, Thou didst divide the day into morn and noon, evening and night, and made waking for active duties of life and sleep for timely repose. Thy Sraosha keep his vigil from dusk to dawn and we rest in his keeping, after the day’s labour and work. Many and marvellous are the […]