A news item up has been published in Hindustan Times of 16th January, 2019, under the heading, ‘Parsi Priest’s Suggestion To Sell Agiary Is Opposed.’ As is the practice, certain misguided elements, especially a father and son duo, have made it their business to create confusion and create acrimony and bitterness in the community by […]
Tag: weekly
Mazda’s Soldier Am I To Fight Wickedness And To Work For The Kingdom Of Righteousness
Thou, Ahura Mazda, hast given me this strong and healthy body. It is appended to my soul. It is the citadel of my soul. Material is my body, when spiritual is the soul. My body will one day turn to dust and my soul will wing its way heavenward to render an account of its […]
Mobed Felicitation, Prize Distribution And Launch of Directory In Navsari
On 20th January, 2019, the Navsari Local Committee of The WZO Trust Funds will organize its 16th Education Prize Distribution Program and Felicitation of Mobeds of Navsari, by Chief Guest Er. Aspandiar Dadachanji. The event, which will also mark the Release of the Directory of Parsi Zoroastrian Residents of Navsari, will be held at Sirvai […]
Tech Know With Tantra – Google News
As smart as it gets, ‘Google News’ is a news app that organizes the daily happenings of world, while providing significance to stories that matter to you the most. The briefing provided by you with the help of perspectives and contextual links, helps decipher topics that are most important and relevant to you. You also […]
From The Editor’s Desk – How Can We Help?
Dear Readers, It’s been a muddy couple of weeks for our Community – even at the expense of sounding repetitive, I have to say our Community has been dragged into the national media yet again for all the wrong reasons. The BPP Trustees’ issue doesn’t seem to be heading out of the woods anytime soon. […]
Film Review – ONE LESS GOD
Also known as ‘The Mumbai Siege: 4 Days of Terror’, the film attempts to recreate the ghastly, inhuman attacks on the iconic Taj Mahal hotel which claimed 166 innocent lives. The four-day siege on the Taj was just one of many such strikes, though it was the one which was the one to have captured […]
Film Review – BOMBAIRIYA
The first sign of attempted comedy in the film comes when a local politician Pandya (Adil Hussain) is shown reading a motivational book on Donald Trump, while in jail. Names such as Ramesh Wadia and Arjun Sorabjee may be attributed to either intentional, or unintentional humour. Meghna (Radhika Apte) is a Public Relations officer attached […]
Caption This – 19th January
Calling all our readers to caption this picture! The wittiest caption will win a fabulous prize! Send in your captions at mailparsitimes@gmail.com by 23rd January, 2019. Winner: Karan: And that, my dear friends, is how we get two batsmen out in one googly! -By Adil K. Jamshedji (Ahmedabad)
Four BPP Trustees Challenge Chairman With ‘No Confidence Motion’
On 15th January, 2019, during the weekly meeting held by the BPP (Bombay Parsi Punchayet) Trustees, four of the Trustees voted to file a ‘No Confidence Motion’ challenging the leadership of BPP Chairman Yazdi Desai. Trustee Noshir Dadrawala moved the vote, which was seconded by Trustee Viraf Mehta and supported by Trustees Armaity Tirandaz and […]
Before You Get A Pet Home…
Your phone pings and you have a message. You open it to see the cutest puppy looking out at you with doleful eyes and an accompanying message that states the dog needs a home. And just like that, your heart melts and you decide to bring home a dog. But wait! Bringing home a dog […]
Activity High School Celebrates Gold!
On 17th November, 2019, Activity High School celebrated its Golden Anniversary – fifty glorious years of excellence in education at the NCPA, Mumbai. The evening began with the school office bearers singing the school anthem and a vibrant swagat dance by the students. This was followed by the lighting of the lamp by the dynamic […]