The Religious Class for Children conducted by the Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC) celebrated the Iranian festival of Jasan-E-Sadah on 18th February, 2018, marking the discovery of fire at the dawn of human civilization. Commencing at 3 pm, the children were explained the significance of this festival, followed by their teachers, parents, and grandparents parading […]
Tag: ZAC
ZAC Celebrates Dr. Contractor’s Birth Centenary
The Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC) commemorated the 100th death anniversary of Dr. Minocher Contractor with an ‘Ayathrem Gambhar’, organized on 14th October, 2017. Known for his exemplary services as a physician, freedom fighter and Trustee of the Surat Parsee Punchayat, who also founded the Surat Parsee Pragati Mandal (which recently celebrated its 72nd anniversary […]
ZAC Celebrates Paitishahem Ghambar
On the eve of September 16th, Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC) celebrated the Paitishahem Gahambar, at ZAC Atash Kadeh, sponsored by Shahnaz Mavandi. It commenced with a Jasan performed by Zarrir and Zerkxis Bhandara along with Dr. Cyrus Dastur, the grandson of late Vada Dastur of Iranshah, Dr. Hormazdiyar Mirza. After the Jasan, Zarrir spoke about […]
Vada Dasturji Khurshed Performs Jasan at ZAC
On 3rd September, 2017, Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor performed a Jasan at the ZAC (Zoroastrian Association of California) Atashkadeh in Orange City, Southern California, along with ZAC’s officiating priest – Zarrir Bhandara; President of North American Mobeds Council (NAMC) – Er. Ardaviraf Minocherhomji; Minoo Katrack, Dr. Khusro Unwalla, Fariborz Shahzadi and Zerkxis Bhandara. The jasan […]
‘Freedom Sculpture’ Based On Cyrus’ Cylinder Unveiled In Santa Monica
As crowds across the USA celebrated Independence Day on 4th July, 2017, Santa Monica Boulevard (Los Angeles) unveiled the ‘Freedom Sculpture’, a magnificent public art installation inspired by ancient Persia’s eminent archaeological artefact, the historical Cyrus Cylinder – meant to celebrate the ‘ideals of freedom, respect for diversity, and inclusiveness’. Unveiled by prominent Iranian developer […]
ZAC Organises Faresta Ceremony
On 22nd April, 2017, around a hundred community members residing in California, USA, gathered to celebrate Adar Mahino and Adar Roj Parabh at the newly built Atash Kadeh of Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC). Celebrated with a Faresta ceremony, performed by President of North American Mobed’s Council, Dr. Er. Ardaviraf Minocherhomji, Dr. Er. Khushroo Unwalla, […]