Righteousness Is Religion

Start your weekend with positive vibes with inspirational excerpts from the acclaimed book,  ‘Homage Unto Ahura Mazda’ by Dasturji Dr. Maneckji Naserwanji Dhalla of Karachi.

Dasturji Dr. Manekji Naserwanji Dhalla. Righteousness is the pivot around which the ethics of Zarthushtra revolves. Righteous and religious is the man or woman who is saintly and possesses noblest character. Righteousness is Thy will Ahura Mazdz. It is the rule of our duty. The law of righteousness is the norm to which man has to conform his life in this world. Good thoughts, good words and good deeds form the ethical foundation upon which righteousness rests and the basis upon which the entire structure of the system of Mazdayasnian philosophy is reared. This noble truth at one so pithy and simple is accessible to all. It does not appeal to the intellectual few and leave aside the ignorant many, nor does it remain the prerogative of a few thinkers and philosophers; but it reaches all and becomes the cherished possession of the prince and peasant alike. Every child of ours imbibes the triad of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds at its mother’s breast.

Rituals help our spiritual development. They are the accompaniments of religion but not religion itself. Religion is righteousness. It rests on the individual’s piety and not on a scrupulous observance of ceremonials or a practice of elaborate lustrations. Let rituals then inspire religious fervour and devotional piety and righteous conduct in me. I shall seek all my life to gather a store of righteousness. Its use in this world lessens not its stock and secures salvation for my soul in the next, O righteous Lord of righteousness!

About Dr. Maneckji Naserwanji Dhalla

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