The festivals of India are rich, varied and colourful! However, the festival of Holi is perhaps the most colourful, both literally and figuratively. Dancing and clowning around after intake of bhang and smearing loved ones, and often even the not-so-loved ones, with varied hues, celebrates warmth, friendship and putting aside old differences.
However, the more solemn and sober side of this festival is the lighting of the bonfire called Holika dahan. Devotees offer gratitude to Agni, (the Hindu divinity presiding over fire) by offering coconut, gram and stalks from the winter harvest. Ashes of this bonfire are considered holy and applied over the forehead for protection from the forces of evil. This is so similar to what Parsis practice when they visit an Agyari or Atash-behram. We offer fragrant sandalwood to the Holy Fire and then apply a pinch of the Holy Ash to our forehead!
According to legend, the Demon King, Hiranyakashyap, demanded that everyone in his kingdom worship him as God. Despite this royal edict, his own son, Prahlad, became a devotee of Lord Vishnu. This irked Hiranyakashyap to such an extent that he wanted his own son be killed. He asked his equally evil sister, Holika, to enter a blazing fire with Prahlad in her lap as Holika had a boon which made her immune to fire. The story goes that Prahlad was saved by Lord Vishnu Himself for his extreme devotion and the evil Holika was burnt to ashes. Her boon failed to protect her because she was blessed to be immune to fire only if she walked into the fire alone. The moral behind this legend is twofold – one: No matter how powerful and blessed you may be, Divinity will find a way to protect a true, simple and humble devotee; and two: Even divinely acquired powers will fail if they are used for destructive purposes.
Thus, mythological, Holi signifies the triumph of good over evil, with fire playing a central role. Zoroastrians too believe in the ultimate triumph of good over evil and make fire central to their mode of worship. Fire, from a Zoroastrian point of view is not just a dispeller of darkness, but, also energy which animates the universe. Anything that is dead is cold, whereas, whatever is alive is warm or animated by the energy of fire.
Holi also marks the onset of spring and the time to celebrate harvest or fertility. In other words, it celebrates new life as well as the energy associated with the season of spring. In the Zoroastrian tradition, one could draw a parallel to this in the observation of the festival of Sadeh – the mid-winter festival.
Since ancient times, the festival of Sadeh is observed with great gusto in Iran. It involves gathering of wood in which everyone in the community contributes. People start gathering in large numbers, about an hour before sunset, usually at a spot near a flowing stream of water. After sunset, a large bonfire is lit with the wood contributed by every single person gathered at the spot to drive away the cold winter. Cold is the absence of heat and cold inhibits life; whereas the warmth of spring renews all life. The festival of Sadeh thus, not only commemorates the discovery of fire by the legendary King Hooshang of the Peshdadian era, but, also celebrates warmth, light, life, friendship and a great feeling of ‘community’.
Traditions may differ. Ritual observations may differ. Dates may differ. However, what binds all humanity is the message of hope and friendship. Be it Holi or Sadeh, the essence of these festivals remain the same – Light and Goodness will always and ultimately triumph over darkness and evil! Happy Holi!
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