On 20th August, 2017, fifteen scouts, sixteen cubs and fourteen rovers of Sethna’s 18th West Mumbai Scout group organized a monsoon hike to Sondewadi, near Karjat. Commencing at 8:45 am amidst soft drizzles, the group reached the first plateau at around 9:15 am where they had breakfast on green grass. After covering a certain distance, the tiny cubs returned back at the plateau and indulged in fun games. The scouts and the rovers along with their scouters next embarked on the challenging journey towards this pinnacle, with the dense fog accompanying them throughout the trek. After summiting, they began the more challenging downward journey, where the rovers encouraged the scouts for a short rope climbing session, followed by enjoying the waterfalls. The group comprising the youngest cub, aged 6 years and the oldest, aged 73 years, headed for the base village for lunch at 1:30pm, and returned home with fond memories.
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