Dear Readers,
Any news which shares stories of human interest is always bigger and more impactful. Human interest stories do much more than provide information or keep you updated – these have the power to touch you, change the way you feel, inspire or instigate you into action. With technological advancements over the years, the way we consume content is ever-evolving – from Print Media to Electronic Media (Radio and TV) and the ongoing, endless realm of Digital Media. Even though the method of delivering news may have changed, the one thing that has remained constant – even pre-dating all of these mentioned media – is, quite simply our innate nature as humans to have an instinctual interest in events or news closely related to our fellow human beings – termed human interest stories. This reality gets further fortified when it pertains to a small and close-knit community as ours.
This issue of Parsi Times brings to you two such human interest stories… the first celebrates the unity and will of our Community members who responded to the Community Call of getting together to help raise funds for the restoration of the iconic 80-plus-year-old Gamadia Boy’s Hostel (Tardeo). Working hand in hand with the BPP, this ‘Community Project’ has proudly completed its first phase within the projected time and budgets, and is about to start with the second phase. We convey heartiest congratulations and gratitude to the donors, supporters and the BPP for the excellent, timely execution of Phase I, as we look forward to our community members once again rising to the occasion to make Phase II an equally, if not greater, resounding success. (Pg.10)
Our second human interest story glorifies the human spirit and compassion, and redeems our faith in humanity, as India’s leading fitness idol – Kaizzad Capadia – sets the precedent for animal-lovers by taking in and passionately caring for senior animals to ensure their last years are spent with dignity and surrounded by love. (Pg.8)
Parsi Times is delighted and privileged to have facilitated both of these fabulous achievements, living up to our commitment to promote and support all good causes. We fervently thank all our readers for supporting our appeals and seeing them to fruition, and for keeping the faith in the Number One News Weekly of our Community!
Here’s wishing you a Happy International Women’s Day 2018, (8th March) with this time’s theme set as ‘Time Is Now’ – inspiring activists to transform the lives of women for the better. Aren’t our Bawis blessed to be part of a Community whose women are so emancipated, we’re accused of being matriarchal!
Have a fun weekend!
- Parsee Gymkhana At 140: A Testament To Sport, Heritage And Community - 1 March2025
- Parsi Youth: The Key To Securing Our Legacy - 22 February2025
- The Joy of Giving – A Parsi Legacy - 15 February2025
Its the same thing over n over again that intelligent people like yourself don’t seem to understand. You must close doors for men of indeed u want equality. Otherwise falling population will be the least of everyone’s worries. To get one thing you will lose everything. It will be the repeat of the Persian times n eventually we will lose it all n parsis will be replaced with people who only called themselves parsis but are not while the real parsis will slowly and steadily get pushed out. This has happened in every country hence u see brexit n doors being closed. You n many like you are going to be responsible for the downfall. unlike before where names were not recorded this time it will be different. History will not treat you kindly once this game is over. Men have already realised it is not working and most of them are making efforts to marry to parsi women even when they are allowed to marry out. Parsi women don’t want to do the same. You should work towards fixing their minds through your news paper than bombarding them with the same equality nonsense. Remember they now know who to blame when they screw up. Like always they won’t blame themselves but women like you who pushed them over the edge.