The Essence Of Easter
Dear Readers,
The summers in Mumbai, over the past few years, have been the harshest reminder of the maxim, ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’, with the rising greenhouse-gas levels increasingly heating up the summers, as we continue to, unfortunately, keep contributing to global warming. Temperatures have been breaking the 40 degree Celsius mark as nonchalantly as some of us break the red traffic signals. Perhaps, the only thing more vile than the pile of sweat and grime we are reduced to, when we step out on the roads, is our flagrant disregard for the very real consequences of global warming, as we inadvertently destroy Mother Earth.
The use of plastic is finally banned, but with our massive population, and worse, our abysmal attitudes of indifference coupled with selfishness, it’s going to take way, way, way more than that to save the earth from our impending, self-caused environmental nemesis. You already know what we need to do – use water, fuels and power as sparingly as possible, say no to plastic and littering… for starters. We owe this not just to our own selves but also to our future gens. And for God’s sakes, let’s think beyond ourselves – the rising heat of the summers is absolute hell on earth for the animals on the streets and birds. Please arrange to keep buckets of water at street corners for the animals and small bowls of water and feeds for birds on your balconies and window sills to help rehydrate their parched and heated bodies back to life.
And speaking of resurrections, Easter will be celebrated on Sunday, 1st April. Isn’t it delightful how merrily us bawas partake in all the eclectic auspicious occasions India offers? Whether the doodh-ma-saakhar (sugar-in-milk) saga is a myth or reality, one thing stands true – we have blended in as effortlessly and as sweetly as sugar does in milk…. and since ‘like attracts like’, we also effortlessly overdose on the lip-smacking ‘saakhars’ (sweets) that accompany these festivities! And so it is with Easter – so bring on those yummy Easter goodies – marzipan eggs, chocolate bunnies, cinnamon buns, et al! Though these sweet celebrations form a large part of every auspicious occasion, it would be a shame to miss out on the larger essence of the message that festivals are symbolic of.
Easter gives us so much to enrich our comprehension too… with ‘Christ’s Crucifixion’ – being the biggest symbol of investing our lives in a cause bigger than ourselves and being selfless for the greater good; One of the most famous lines in the history of mankind, “Father, Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do” – inspiring us all to be forgiving of those who have hurt us; ‘Death, Burial and Resurrection’ – inducing us to terminate the negativities that ail our minds and bodies, reflect on the path ahead and come alive with renewed vigour to continue/take on our journey; ‘Jesus’ Victory Over Death and Sin’ – encouraging us to keep our faith in God and stay courageous on the path of righteousness as that brings us God’s blessings; ‘Preparing to Receive the Renewal of God’s Covenant of Peace and Blessing’ – propagating mental/spiritual hygiene, to enable ourselves to receive the universe’s messages by clearing the pollution in our hearts and minds, which has clogged our soul and shackled our free spirit; ‘Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ’ – cheering us on to applaud the success borne of the sacrifices we make and the hard work we put in. Add to all this, and through all this, a constant underlining of Grace, Kindness and Salvation through what we already practice as Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds, respectively, and we would have done justice to understanding the essence of Easter. Now let’s apply!
Wish you a Cool Weekend and a Meaningful Easter!
– Anahita
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