Dear Readers,
It’s my privilege to celebrate Parsi Times’ Seventh Year Anniversary with you! Time surely flies by and your favourite little fledgling publication that kicked off on 30th April, 2011 has blossomed into becoming the favourite news weekly of the Community, across all age-groups, all thanks to your constant guidance, encouragement, feedback and patronage. We, at Parsi Times, are as delighted to celebrate our ‘Lucky Seven’, as we are grateful to all of you for your support and love, which has enabled us to cross the seven year milestone, leading from the front.
It has been a most touching experience to receive such an overwhelming number of sweet and warm congratulatory messages pouring in from all over India and overseas, commending us for being the much needed voice of the Community, as well as providing the proverbial pat on the back for delivering on our promise of endeavouring to unite the community and bridging various lacunae in terms of communication and information.
The Seventh Year Anniversary is often known as the ‘Copper Anniversary’. Copper is the symbol of prosperity and good luck and we hope our seventh year will help us further enrich our Community with a greater sense of both, pride and duty, towards justifying our glorious legacy, our heritage, our Parsipanu.
They say drinking from a copper vessel has numerous health benefits – it kills bacteria, is a great cleanser and detox, breaks down fat cells, regulates blood pressure and heart-rate, helps healing, fights anaemia by enabling iron absorption and its antioxidant properties even fight cancer! May 2018 prove to be the copper-chalice from which Parsi Times sips its way into empowering the Community to quash the bacteria that spreads misinformation; to detox itself of vile, harmful rumours; to break down the agenda of anti-social miscreants that kill the morale of our Community; to regulate a sense of harmony and peace; to help heal the Community’s wounded reputation; to fight lies and liars that wish to twist the truth and mislead the Community; and finally, to surgically remove the cancer of disunity, controversy and disharmony that our Community seems ever so embroiled in! Now, wouldn’t that be something to drink to? Seven Cheers to that!
Have a lovely weekend!
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