FEZANA’s (Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America) 31st Annual General Meeting was hosted by member association California Zoroastrian Center at their Dar-e-Mehr in Westminster California over 4 days commencing 26th April, 2018. It was attended by over 70 official participants. The AGM kicked off on the auspicious note with a jasan organized by the North American Mobed Council (NAMC), led by ZAC (Zoroastrian Assn. of California) President, Ervad Zarrir Bhandara. It was followed by a presentation on the functioning, challenges and future initiatives of the NAMC by President Ardaviraf Minocherhomjee; discussion on the infrastructure needs in North America and how FEZANA and its member associations could bring these to fruition; an evening trip to Huntington Beach. The official AGM program began on Friday April 27th, 2018 with a benediction led by our Ervadsahebs. FEZANA President Homi D. Gandhi called the meeting to order and welcomed all the participants. After paying tributes to stalwarts that had passed away, Gandhi gave his Presidential address where he laid out the work done by FEZANA and its members, committee chairs and executives over the past year. FEZANA Vice-President Arzan Sam Wadia, Secretary Percy M. Master and FEZANA Administrator Zenobia Damania spoke about their activities in the past year and action plans for the year ahead. FEZANA’s results saw the re-election of Homi Gandhi as President for his second two-year term as also the welcoming of ZAC’s Rooky Fitter as the new Treasurer.
The AGM facilitated member associations to present their activities and associations shared success stories and innovative ideas, programs and asked their fellow members for suggestions to unique problems. The AGM concluded with the Closing remarks by President Homi D. Gandhi who touched upon the discussions at the AGM and FEZANA’s and his own vision for the year(s) ahead.
A hearty Persian buffet provided the perfect ending for the AGM, amidst participants bidding goodbye with promises to meet up in a year in Orlando. An event of such global magnitude was executed to perfection thanks to the efforts of dozens of volunteers, even as the teams at CZC aided by ZAC-LA successfully provided a truly memorable AGM with great events, entertainment and hospitality.
(With inputs from Parsikhabar.com)
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