From The Editor’s Desk

From The Editor's Desk

Reasons To Celebrate!

Dear Readers,

Nothing holds truer than the adage, ‘there is strength in numbers’, when it comes to fighting for a community cause. Inspite of our miniscule count, last week, we came together in one of the strongest displays of unity in current times. We spoke in one voice under the ‘Save Our Atash Behrams’ Movement, (Pg. 8) and our community’s collective conviction bore fruit – the High Court adjourned the hearing to 12 March, 2019. Hopefully, by then, we would have reached a mutually conducive alternative that will neither hurt the structural/religious sanctity of our legendary Atash Behrams, nor pose an impediment to the Metro III underground tunnelling, which we fervently support as a much-needed civic initiative towards providing traffic congestion relief. Where there’s unity, there’s victory and celebration! Kudos to our Community!

Speaking of celebrations, it’s Father’s Day on Sunday, 17th June. Ever wonder why ‘Father’s Day’ gets such step-motherly treatment, as compared to ‘Mother’s Day’? Do kids just love moms more than dads? Or are mothers just more adept at guilting their kids with all the emotional drama if they forget Mother’s Day? Anyhoo – let’s get the focus back…

Fathers – virtually all of them become central to our lives, and a big part of how we define ourselves.If you’re a father, know that how you treat or respond to your child – nurture or demean, praise or criticize, love or withhold – all of it has a lifetime impact on your child. If you’re a child, embrace and learn the positives from your father instead of obsessing on the negatives. Tell him thanks. Tell him he means the world to you. Tell him you love him. And make sure you tell him, ‘Happy Father’s Day’ tomorrow!

Have a Happy Weekend!


– Anahita

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