The Bai MN Gamadia Girls’ High School and the Bai B S Bengallee Girls’ High School, both constituents of the Parsee Girls’ School Association (PGSA), have yet again delivered cent per cent results in the SSC examinations conducted in March 2018. The Bai MN Gamadia School witnessed 48 out of 59 students of scoring over 75%, with 20 girls achieving an aggregate of over 90%. Parsee student, Ruby Kermani, achieved the highest marks at 95.6%, followed by Delnavaz Parva with 92.80%. At the Bai B. S. Bengallee Girls’ High School, 15 of the 23 students who appeared for the examination scored over 75%, with 5 girls achieving over 90% on the aggregate. Striving to provide overall development for its students through audio-visual learning facilities and specialized teachers for various performing arts and activities, the schools also provide special facilities for Zoroastrian girls, including fee waivers, scholarships and free lunch.
- સુરતની માતા-પુત્રી મહારૂખ ચિચગર અને મહાઝરીન વરિયાવાનું દુર્લભ અરંગેત્રમ - 18 January2025
- પવિત્ર શેહરેવર મહિનાની ઉજવણી - 18 January2025
- બસ્તર ગામમાં પેસ્તનજી ખરાસનુંસન્માન કરતું સ્મારક - 18 January2025