Homavazir’s 11th CBDA Scout Group, which has been training boys since the past 92 years, held its annual training camp with 33 Cubs, Scouts, Rovers and Scouters, from 12th to 15th May, 2019, amidst the picturesque landscape, at Marazban Sanatorium, Khandala.
After reaching the campsite and the flag-hoisting, the patrols settled down in their allotted bungalows, getting busy with camp chores. Each day started with drills, flag-hosting, uniform and camp cleanliness inspections. Morning activities included adventure sports like commando rope walk and rappelling, aimed at empowering the boys with courage and strength. While the participants learnt about various knots, first aid, compass and map-reading in the afternoon sessions, the evening sessions comprised games of baseball played passionately for the win! Competitions and quizzes on physical fitness, scouting and general topics were conducted, building team spirit, with winning patrols presented with camp mementos.
Games were also conducted at night to instill courage in young minds. The highlight would be the camp’s bon-fires, around which they boys would bond – singing, dancing and having fun till the embers faded. Each night ended with the boys collectively praying the ‘Sarosh Baaj’ followed by the ‘Jaye Zarathustra’ monajat.
All in all, a very successful and fun camp, thanks to the sanatorium manager, ‘Dali Uncle’, for the great hospitality, as also to the team of dedicated scouters including Group Leader, Scouter Zubin Bhumgara, and Camp Quarter Master, Jehangir Dotiwalla.