Since 1991, the three WZO Trusts have been fairly active in community related welfare activities, operating from essentially two main centers – Mumbai and Navsari, with resource people across India. Apart from having inducted Solicitor Farzana Mojgani in 2007, the other Trustees remained constant over the years. Recognizing the need for a proper succession plan in order to sustain and further the institute’s dynamism and activities, for a decade now, the Trust has been identifying suitable individuals with the required abilities and inclination to assume leadership in managing the Trusts. wzo
Aspi B. Ambapardiwala (50), Cyrus D. Vandriwala (48) and Rohinton J. Contractor (52) displayed keen interest and enthusiasm in welfare activities and have been associated with the Trust for the last 10 years as members of Navsari’s local committee. Having proven their commitment and dedication, the Trustees unanimously decided to elevate them as Trustees. While Aspi and Cyrus are teachers at Sir CJMZ Madressa High School and Seth RJJ High School in Navsari, Rohinton is an entrepreneur running his pharmaceutical distribution agency. All three have for years been part of the Managing Committee that efficiently runs the D N Mehta Sarvajanik Hospital at Navsari, a 136-bed General Hospital.
WZO Trusts welcome them as Trustees and are confident they will perform diligently and interact with donors and beneficiaries in the same vein that the Trusts have over the years. Having secured Navsari, there are a couple of talented individuals in Mumbai groomed to assume Trusteeship. The details will be shared once their appointments are finalized.