No Treatment For The Ailing P G Hospital
After a long and bitter strife, there is no outcome and it seems the Parsee General Hospital is going the PLlH way. It is sad that our premier healthcare institutions, once in the limelight, now face oblivion. Today, the occupancy has come down to less than 30% and there are no chances it might enhance. Without better occupancy, the hospital cannot survive, and without proper infrastructure and better healthcare treatment, the occupancy will never improve.
Even if the proposed diagnostic centre may offer best infrastructure, the hospital itself needs to restructure the Operation Theatres, the ICU and modernize practically all other departments. Without bringing the entire hospital at par with other best healthcare centers, it will be futile to establish only a new modern diagnostic center, and that too in another building which will be cumbersome as the patients are to be shifted in open there can be the risk of infection. The present hospital building has vast area and adequate space which can be utilized with proper planning to establish a modern, multi facility hospital with a state of art diagnostic centre and all other amenities to enable the patients to get prompt treatment on the spot.
With the dwindling numbers in the community, one floor with one male and one female ward and some special and some semi-special rooms comprising about 100 beds will suffice the community requirements. They could be offered concessions. To enhance the occupancy, thereby generating more income, one floor should be kept open to cosmopolitan patients. Rules were amended for only Parsi education institutes, so it can be done for the hospitals.
No doubt it will require tremendous efforts and huge expenditure to rejuvenate the ailing hospital back to its pristine glory. As suggested by Mr. Bhada the management should engage expert professional consulting firms to submit their in-depth report on how to proceed on the matter. Opinions from builders and architects will be taken into consideration to make necessary structural changes. We can take suggestions from Mr. Bhot, who established the Pune’s world famous Ruby Hall Clinic.
Our donors in India and abroad have always stood by the community and probably Jal and Pervin Shroff who have a soft corner in their hearts for this precious institution, may oblige. The land which was proposed to be occupied to establish the diagnostic centre may be utilized to build residential or commercial estates to generate steady flow of income to the hospital to sustain even without donations.
Let the trustees, members of the managing committee, the BPP, and all the well-wishers of the community come together with a concrete plan to revive this precious institution and revive its past glory.
Piroja Homi Jokhi
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