Connecting The Dots…
Dear Readers,
We’ve ‘March’ed into the month which marks a year since India declared her first lockdown (25 March, 2020), in our arduous battle against the deadly coronavirus pandemic. But this month also marks two other special occasions – while one is celebrated worldwide as International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8th March; the other will have an impact on our Community’s Leadership and future wellbeing – the BPP Trustees Elections, on 14th March.
To the discerning, it wouldn’t be too difficult to connect the dots across these three aspects – the Pandemic, IWD and Community Leadership. Across the world, women have stood at the front lines of this crisis – as caregivers, health-care workers, innovators and more. Even within our community, women have stood out as crucial support-systems and coordinators, displaying exemplary and proficient leadership by demonstrating their skills, knowledge and networks, to effectively lead the COVID-19 response and recovery efforts.
In fact, the United Nations Women announced its theme for IWD 2021 as, ‘Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a COVID-19 World’, celebrating the tremendous efforts of women in shaping a more equal future and recovery from this COVID crisis.
But, even beyond the pandemic, women have proven their resilient mettle – numerous studies conclude that women are naturally more effective communicators – in fact it’s one of their strongest skills, making them more approachable as leaders, as also enabling them to plan, execute and delegate responsibilities with greater clarity. Maybe, the added feminine presence on the BPP Board is what it will take to streamline and further fortify both – the leadership as well as the efforts towards the welfare and progress of our community.
Here’s wishing all our fabulous women a Happy Women’s Day! May the leader in you lead us all towards greater growth, success and happiness!
Have a good weekend!
– Anahita
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