XYZ conducted one of its most anticipated yearly events – ‘XYZ’s Got Talent’ on 17th July,
2021. The Talent show commenced with elimination rounds of video entries sent in by members in the Under-8; Under-12; and Under-16 age groups in categories including Dance, Music, Acting and Mixed Bag.
Over 90 participants sent in 1-minute video entries showcasing their amazing talents. Shazneen Arethna, Delraaz Bunshah, Meherzad Patel and Rehaan Bharucha judged the Eliminations. 7, 11 and 15 finalists were selected from the Under-8, 12 and 16 age groups, respectively.
The finale of XYZ’s Got Talent was conducted live on zoom at 6:00pm. Hoshaang Gotla, XYZ’s Founder shared a warm welcome note post which the finalists started their performances. The show was hosted by XYZ Seniors, ie. The youth group of XYZ. Jeniffer Daruvala (Artaxerxes’ Army), introduced the four judges for the finale – Kevin Dsouza, Rehan Bharucha, Meherzad Patel and Kelly D’lima. The judges provided much inspiration to the listeners with one of them performing a song which received much appreciation from all. The event, which was telecast live on Facebook, received over 2500 views.
The Results: Cyrus’ Superstars clinched the much coveted, over-all ‘Winning Group’ award. Winners awarded the first, second and third prize respectively were, for: Under-8 Category – Narios Poonawala; Maishaa Bhesania; and Meherzine Pastakia; Under-12 Category – Arius Dadiburjor; Gian Dastoor; and Zasha Patrawala; and Under-16 Category – Miron Shroff and Manomay Modak (tied in 1st place); Maaher Turel; and Katrina Besania and Vivaan Mehta (tied in 3rd place), with Consolation prizes given to Delara Amaria and Maazyaar Sinor.
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