To commemorate 101 glorious years of service in developing young Parsi boys into responsible citizens and Zoroastrians, the 16th East Zoroastrian Bharat Scout Group (EZBSG) and Young Zoroastrian Society (YZS) organised the annual day virtual celebrations on 1st August, 2021. A thanksgiving Jashan conducted by members and Er. Viraf Pavri (Panthaki, B C Batliwala Agiary), was held at 4:00pm, and witnessed online by other members of the 16th EZBSG and 71st East Bombay Zoroastrian Bharat Guides Company (completing 28 years), which fall under the YZS umbrella.
The virtual event programme showcased activities and games conducted through the year, and the award distribution for individual and team achievements in Scouts and Guides. The Cubs, Scouts, Bulbuls and Guides put up an entertaining show comprising dances, songs, skits with social messages and more, all from their homes and streamed online. The highlights included recreating
‘The Jungle Story’; a hilarious skit around vaccination messaging; and memorable song and dance performances. Awards were given to boys and girls recognizing their achievements over the past year in categories including Efficiency, Character, Handicraft, Academic Excellence, Physical Health, etc.
The Scout group was founded on 1st August 1920 by the Late Scouters Ardeshir Jilla and Merwanji Mehta to train Parsi youth across physical, mental and other skills to make them good citizens and positive human beings and contribute positively to society. “Our group has seen many glorious days and has been conducting camps and tours, at nominal cost across India… We have also been proud of our scouts who make good progress in scouting while they excel well in academics,” said Scout Master Freddy Khapoliwala.
Mackie Majra, Group Leader Guides, said, “Since more than 15 months now, our boys and girls have risen to the occasion by having virtual activities… Besides upgrading skills, they have been lending a hand in household chores making us and their parents proud. We have conducted many virtual entertainment programmes, night games and camps engaging the kids and their parents. Congratulations to one and all.”
The 16th East Bombay Scout Group welcomes all boys between 5 to 17 years of age who wish to join the group and enrich their lives with excitement while growing into independent adults, leading happy lives and befriending good Zoroastrian friends for life. During non-pandemic times, the group holds meetings during monsoons from 8:00am – 10:30am at Gamadia School. On non-rainy days, they hold a baseball game at Parsi Gymkhana grounds before proceeding to Gamadia school. For details and enrolments, visit: or call: 9820153066 / 9819937318
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