Why Wait Till The Year End?
Dear Readers,
As we approach the final phase of 2021, how about we pre-empt those ‘Shoulda–Woulda–Coulda’ (should-have, would-have, could-have) moments that most of us experience during the year-end? These are those moments riddled in guilt, where we regret the lack of initiative and action to achieve those January resolutions which faded off by February!
With nearly a third of the year still on our side, this is a good time to renew (and revise) our goals and implement those plans, so can still hit those year-end targets! These could be related to your health, finances, career, relationships or other aspects – just revive those promises you made, especially to yourself, and then deliver them, instead of waiting till the year-end and then ruing your inability!
Remember, it’s never too late to work on your goals; and there’s no better time than the present to get started!
Have a good weekend!
– Anahita
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