Mumbai-based, 22-year-old Jehan Irani, won three Golds and one Silver in the prestigious ‘I Compete Natural’ (ICN) India, the Indian chapter of the body-building and fitness competition, which was held on 5th November, 2022, at the Yashwantrao Chavan Centre, Nariman Point, in South Mumbai. Sixty participants from across India and other countries competed to win across various categories, where natural athelete, Jehan, who participated in his very first professional competition ever, brought home four trophies – three golds in ‘Men’s Bodybuilding Under-23’; ‘Men’s Classic Physique’; and ‘Classic Physique Under-23’, and one silver in ‘Men’s Bodybuilding’. With a presence in 88 countries and growing with more than 31,000 members worldwide, ICN (I Compete Natural) is today a worldwide leader in Natural Fitness Modelling, Bodybuilding, Physique and Fashion events.
Born and brought up Mumbai, the young fitness trainer, Jehan is a Hotel Management graduate, and is currently pursuing Business Marketing from IIM Lucknow. Speaking with Parsi Times, Jehan shared, “It’s just an amazing feeling – to have participated for the first time and brought back four wins! I couldn’t describe it in words! I’ve been lifting weights and training since four years now. I’ve always been inspired by body builders from the 80’s era, like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I always wanted to have a good and strong physique, which is not too beefed up but aesthetic and strong. I idolize Frank Zane because despite being one of the lightest competitors, he always managed to win due to his well-proportioned physique.”
Having competed at about 6% body-fat, which is commendable for a natural athlete, Jehan religiously follows a disciplined training regimen and a strict diet – his last ‘cheat-meal’ was six months ago! The son of proud parents Behnaaz and Darayush Irani, Jehan credits his mother for being his constant cheerleader. “I thank her for all her unconditional support and helping me prep all my meals – as diet is crucial to performance, as well for the moral support. I credit my win to her!”
Jehan looks to make a career in the fitness industry. “I wish to grow and prosper in the Fitness industry because that’s where my passion lies. I want to help people achieve their fitness goals and bring about their transformations and progress. I’ve got good experience as a trainer and I’ve also studied nutrition, thereby providing a holistic program to those who are looking to transform their bodies towards greater health.” (You can connect with Jehan at: )
Jehan will now compete in the ICN Goa PRO-SHOW, on 10th December, 2022, which will see participants from 92 countries compete to win! Sharing a message with fitness and body-building enthusiasts, Jehan says, “Your vision should be focused and clear. No matter what challenges come your way, don’t give up on your dreams. Be sincere with your diet and training. I’ve done the same despite my injuries and a surgery too, just four months ago! Most importantly, believe in yourself and you will never give up!”
As this is an expensive sport to pursue, Jehan would appreciate support from sponsors to continue his journey. Here’s wishing Jehan Irani the very best in his future endeavours!
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