Those who wish to spark an interest and pride in their children about Zarthoshti history are invited to participate with their kids in the ‘Enduring Faith’ event on 8th January, 2023. A session curated for youngsters from 7 to 20 years of age has been arranged in association with YZS (Young Zoroastrian Society) for cubs, scouts, bulbuls, guides (Zoroastrian youth) of the 16th East Bombay Zoroastrian Bharat Scout and the 71st East Bombay Zoroastrian Bharat Guide Groups.
US-based Malcolm Bhesania, the co-publisher of the periodical ‘Mazdayasnie Connection’, will speak on topics including ‘The seven adventures of Rustom Pahelwan’; and ‘Proud to be a Parsee: Learning from the Past, looking to the Future’.
The session is open to all Zoroastrians and their children and will be held at 10:00 am, at the Parsi Ambulance Division, 1st floor, No.1, M G Road, Opp. Metro Cinema, Dhobitalao, Mumbai 400 001
YZS is a Zoroastrian Scout Guide Group, which conducts regular weekly meetings for Scouting and Guiding Progress along with fun adventures and experiences. It aims at developing young Parsi boys and girls into responsible citizens and adults with Zoroastrian values.
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