The Ahmedabad Parsi Panchayat (APP) held its Annual General Meeting on 2nd July, 2023, at the Parsi Sanatorium premises, to pass and adopt the Annual Accounts for FY 2022-2023. The meeting began with an auspicious evening Jashan ceremony, performed by Er. Dr. Khushroo H. Ghadiali and Er. Berjis F. Shroff, attended by nearly 70 A’bad Zoroastrian residents.
Firdose A. Kapadia, Jt. Secretary, APP, gave the welcome note and read out the minutes of the last AGM, following which the annual accounts were put to vote. The same was passed and adopted by a show of hands. President Brigadier Jahangir P. Anklesaria, VSM, addressed the audience and encouraged humdins to pursue higher studies like Civil Services etc. where APP would try and provide maimum assistance. He also requested the community members to attend community events like Jashans, in large numbers, before concluding the meeting with a vote of thanks.