One of the world’s oldest (300+ years) fraternities, Freemasonry arrived in India 250 years ago, gaining many patrons who found it aligned with their own goals of promoting the practice of social and moral virtue. The Indian chapter found patrons in some of the community’s illustrious stalwarts (including the Petits, Jeejeebhoys, Camas, Tatas, Sir Phirozesah Mehta, Sir Dadabhai Naoraji, etc).
The District Grand Lodge of India (Scottish Constitution) will conduct an annual Memorial Event titled: ‘Revering our Founding Fathers’, recognising the immense contribution of Khurshedji Rustomji Cama to the to the Freemasonry movement, at Mumbai’s 200-year-plus Institution of Freemasonry, at the Freemasons Hall, (Opp. Sterling Cinema), on 10th August, 2024. Initiated into Lodge Rising Star of Western India in 1854, K R Cama, a prominent Freemason, was the first Indian to officiate over the Provincial Grand Lodge as its Grand Master. He served for over 50 years, passing away on 20th August, 1909. His marble mural tablet is affixed at Freemasons Hall in his honour.
A Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Dr. Susan Snell, professional archivist and records manager, associated with the Museum of Freemasonry, under the United Grand Lodge of England, since 2005. She sports a special interest in the rich history of the Parsi (Zoroastrian) families in India and England, and their connections to Freemasonry. On this occasion, the Freemasons Hall and Masonic Temple, which is typically not open to the public, has arranged for a special tour for the public. To Register:
- કેવો સુંદર જવાબ! - 29 March2025
- પારસી સન્નારીઓ તેમના જાદુઈ સ્પર્શ સાથે બની સુરત મેરિયોટ અથવા લાઇન્સના રસોડાની રાણીઓ - 29 March2025
- મોબેદ મેહરાબાન ફિરોઝગરીનું અવસાન - 29 March2025