Dear Readers,
Doesn’t it feel good to live out the most fun time of the year – the festive season, yet again! We welcome it with much enthusiasm and anticipation, having weathered the gruelling summer and disruptive rains. Even as this infectious positivity helps blur out much of the otherwise consuming negativity, and we give in to our mood for partying and indulgences, let us keep in mind the words of the great Roman philosopher and orator, Cicero: “Non nobis solum nati sumus,” meaning, ‘Not for ourselves alone are we born’.
This festive season, let’s keep alive our legendary Parsipanu by reaching out to our less fortunate brethren and sharing a little of our time, space, energy, resources and emotions with those in need. Inclusion works wonders, especially for our seniors. Connect with people, nurture relationships. There is no greater Return On Investments!
It is said, doing nothing for others is the greatest undoing of ourselves. So, let’s not forget to share our joy and happiness with others… and watch it return manifold! And, for the health conscious already ruing their inability to lay off the gastronomic fiesta, remember, there’s no exercise better for the heart, than reaching down and lifting people up!
Have a lovely weekend!
– Anahita
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