Dear Readers,
Parsis celebrate all festivals with much fervour, but Christmas holds a special place in our hearts. Not surprising, as Christmas essentially celebrates the ‘spirit of giving’ – which underlines the very essence of our community known for its philanthropy.
Christmas is a time for giving, and as we reach out to family and friends to spread the festive cheer, let’s also open our hearts to the less fortunate. So, there’s gifts and there’s gifts. The famous punchline, “There are some things money can’t buy,” comes to mind. What kind of gift would truly embody the spirit of Christmas and Parsipanu, and remain pristinely priceless? If you’re looking for ideas, here are five:
A helping hand: Whether in your house or at office or on the streets, helping people doesn’t require a formal introduction, just an open heart. This one especially goes out to our youth – please put down those gizmos and help your parents/grandparents around the house!
A listening ear: Your patient hearing is therapy for relationships, when you truly listen without giving in to the urge to argue, vocally or mentally. Listen with grace and you will be heard with courtesy.
Comforting words: Kind words can repair souls. Be honest but be compassionate.
A smile: Nothing warms the heart more than a genuine smile. It radiates positivity and best of all, it’s contagious! Smile generously – there’s no better way of spreading joy!
Your presence: Sometimes all you need to do is show up. Just be there – it’s the greatest show of love and solidarity! Make those visits you’ve been postponing!
And speaking of visits, hope you’ve registered yourselves for next weekend’s grand ‘Iranshah Udwada Utsav 2024’ – the community’s mega-event which provides a global platform for Zoroastrians from India and the world over, to unite in celebration of our Parsipanu, culture and ethos. Parsi Times is privileged to continue being the exclusive media partner for this great occasion which honours our unique culture, glorious religion, outstanding achievements and unity, as always!
Merry Christmas and Chalo IUU!
– Anahita
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