Dear Readers,
There’s always something magically motivating about new beginnings… A new year, a new day, a new job, a new relationship, a new start… these present us the beautiful and hope-laden promise of second chances and realising new potential. A new beginning is the best ingredient that delivers delicious success unto our plates, provided we do the cooking to justify its recipe! Even the most well-defined goal calls for perseverance and action, to step out of our comfort zones, and do away with any negativity, especially those nay-sayers.
And so it is with 2025 – a spanking new year, your renewed platform for new beginnings and success, as we set out on a brand new orbit. A new opportunity to start over yet again, a clean slate awaits, and we approach it with enthusiasm and the belief: ‘This will be my year!’ What will foster and realize that belief is to head into it with a plan – great things seldom just happen… they’re a product of vision, strategy, commitment, hard work and self-motivation. It is this realization at an individual level which will collectively determine the destiny of our community, too.
So, will this New Year be a new chapter for you or just the same old story? Truth is, what the New Year brings to you will depend almost entirely on what you bring to the New Year. You’re the author of a 365-paged book, called ‘2025’. Write a good one. Gear up to combat new challenges, scale new heights and tap into new opportunities. As a Community, let’s be at war only with our vices, at peace with each other, and ensure that you make this year your best one yet!
Have a lovely weekend!
– Anahita
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