Saronda Parsi Jarthosti Anjuman organised its annual T20 cricket series, starting 21st December, 2024, which saw participation 14 inter-town teams. Supported by by Kishorebhai Patel and Hareshbhai (Balia) Patel, the series finale was held on 19th January, where team ‘Saronda A’ beat ‘Sports Arena Haresh 11’ to clinch victory by 21 runs. Saronda Parsi Anjuman’s Trustees joined by the members of Nargol Parsi Anjuman and Sanjan Parsi Anjuman along with gaam-wasis witnessed the fascinating game.
Prizes were awarded to the winning and runners-up teams, with compensations granted to the umpires, commentator and grounds-men. In her address, Saronda Sarpanch – Ranjanaben Rathod praised the Parsi community as pioneers of cricket setting a precedent for others. The Saronda Cricket Gymkhana, dating back to 1937, was established by the stalwarts of the Parsi Anjuman, for all local cricket lovers.
- ગણતંત્ર દિવસ - 25 January2025
- 70 વર્ષની ઉંમરેમેહેરનોશ બામજીએ સફળતા મેળવી! - 25 January2025
- ડો. ફરોખ જે. માસ્ટરનું બીજા આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીયઓન્કોલોજી કોંગ્રેસમાં સન્માન કરવામાં આવ્યું - 25 January2025