Dear Readers,
As we make the most of this fabulous festive season, what stands out clearly is that us bawas have surely mastered the two main aspects of life – ‘The Art of Living’ and ‘The Art of Giving’. Repeatedly have we proven that the real essence of the art of living lies in its more integral aspect of giving. As Parsis, we have become synonymous with the concept of charity. Despite being one of the world’s most minuscule communities, we wear the proud badge of being leading philanthropists of the nation with the world’s largest population!
We gave to our country, and we gave to our own. Our forefathers’ myriad philanthropies played a great role in catapulting and cementing our otherwise ‘refugee’ status, to ‘revered’. We gave to our nation, not just as a mark of gratitude for the safe haven granted to us, but also because it is the Zoroastrian way of life.
When we gave to our own, it was to empower the lesser privileged of our lot with a platform assuring the basics – housing being the integral component – so all community members, immaterial of financial standing, would receive the crucial and advantageous head-start, to further fortify and perpetuate the legacy of greatness, glory and giving back.
While some have gone on to deliver on the promise of ‘greatness and glory’, things have slowed down on the ‘giving back’ front, save for a few, who keep the flame of Parsipanu alive. The privileges, we continue to receive as Parsis in India, were meant to germinate into gratitude as the stepping-stone to continued and greater eminence. But it seems to have metamorphosed into a sense of entitlement instead, crippling both, individual potential and community glory. The art of giving seems is getting increasingly replaced with growing a penchant for ‘freebies’. It’s a mindset we need to snap out of if we wish to perpetuate not just our glory, but our very identity as a people known to exemplify both – the art of living and the art of giving.
Have a good weekend!
– Anahita
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