For the third consecutive time in the past five years, Team Clean and Green Udvada Trust (CGU), successfully undertook a comprehensive cleanup project in Udvada, in collaboration with ‘Return to Roots’ (RTR) – a Zoroastrian youth program, designed to strengthen community identity and foster connections among Zoroastrian youth globally through collective excursions which explore religious, social, and cultural heritage in India.
CGU aims at transforming our most sacred Udvada into a model, eco-friendly community, inspiring collective action for a greener future. Through their tireless efforts, the team has been successful in not only restoring the environment but also rekindling a sense of community pride and ownership.
Earlier in February, taking a major step towards sustainability, CGU inaugurated three solar panels, which will significantly cut electricity costs for streetlights and ensure an uninterrupted power supply for the village’s composting machine, reinforcing Udvada’s commitment to sustainability.
These initiatives underscore CGU’s commitment to preserving the sanctity and beauty of this revered destination, even as their contributions exemplify the impact of collective action on our shared heritage and environment.