PT: So what’s the latest at XYZ?
Hoshaang: Well, we’re starting yet another group, ‘Vistasp’s Vikings’ in Pune. We’ve hosted numerous events this year too, like the XYZ Games, the Summer Camp, LAFA (Literary Arts and Fine Arts), Indoor Mania; a mix of sporting activities, fancy dress competitions and a host of social service as well. All of this is in keeping with the objective of getting our children to participate actively and interact with their fellow community members. Also as you know, XYZ is MAD (Making A Difference) and we made a difference in the lives of the not-so-comfortable sections of society last year, when we collected 12,199 pairs of shoes to help the underprivileged.
PT: What’s next?
Hoshaang: The XYZ Xtravaganza on Sunday, 12th November, 2017 – an inter-group dance competition, with India as the theme. Each group will perform on topics including seasons, sports, rural India, Tollywood, weddings, etc.
PT: Tell us more about the XYZ Xtravaganza
Hoshaang: At XYZ, we put in a lot of thought in every programme and each activity is designed with a set objective – that extends to XYZ Xtravaganza. Though it’s a dance competition for XYZ members, the main aim of this event is to raise funds for cancer patients. We will also be felicitating cancer survivors who have represented India at international sporting competitions. We will visit various cancer hospitals/homes and help in different ways – including providing meals, clothes, appliances, electronics, medical treatment, etc.
PT: What was the main reason behind supporting the cause of cancer?
Hoshaang: We’ve all seen a near and dear one coping with this deadly disease but when one of our young XYZ members encountered cancer, it became personal and we decided make a difference. So we extended that to the cause of supporting cancer. XYZ groups have been visiting cancer homes and supporting survivors with dinners and other activities. All of us are MAD – we are all making a difference in our own way and we want our XYZs to feel proud that their show or performance can help so many people lead a happier and healthy life.
PT: Tell us more about these dances in XYZ Xtravaganza
Hoshaang: Each group was given a topic based on the theme – India. While parents and volunteers are working with conducting practices, costumes, backdrop, backstage etc., we are fortunate to have on board a mentor – Hormuzd Khambatta. He and his crew from HKDC (Hormuzd Khambatta Dance Company) are overseeing these dances and assisting each group to give their best performance, all for free.
PT: Can you share the details of donating towards this cause?
Hoshaang: The success of this event depends on the support we receive. All details are available on the xyz website – xyzfoundation.net. We’d like to appeal to donors to come forward and donate generously. All proceeds of the event will go towards the support of cancer patients and homes. Funds for the event will be raised through sponsorship, souvenir advertisements, donor passes and raffle coupon sales. One can donate by cheque or NEFT to XYZ Foundation. XYZ will disburse all the collection donations to various NGOs, homes as also individual medical treatments. All donors contributing through XYZ Foundation can avail of tax benefits u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act. We have put up a Crowd Funding Campaign on Milaap.org which is a platform for such events.
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