The Alexandra Girls’ English Institution organised the Dr. Hilla Vakil Elocution Competition and the Burjor Maneckshaw Mistry Inter-House Choral Recitation Competition for the students of Std. VIII to Std. X, on 11th September, 2018. Judged by theatre actor and entrepreneur, Nishi Doshi and Parsi Times Assistant Editor and journalism academic at Lala Lajpatrai College, Delaveen Tarapore, the elocution competition witnessed over twenty-four entries. Trained by the team of Silly Point Productions, the Choral recitation witnessed Mercury House (Yellow) led by Danesh Khambatta, grabbing the shield. Speaking to Parsi Times, Principal of Alexandra Girls’ English Institution, Farrah Gustaspi said, “We at Alexandra strive to provide our children with holistic education. Activities such as elocution, speech and drama help in boosting children’s self-confidence and morale, and hones their oratory skills.”
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