The Xtremely Young Zoroastrians (XYZ) organized the much coveted and anticipated third edition of ‘XYZ LAFA’ – Literary Arts & Fine Arts Festival, on 14th July, 2019. The halls and corridors of JB Vachha High School in Dadar were flooded with young XYZ members from three and a half to sixteen years of age! These young and spirited participants were put through a day full of testing and teasing their impeccable creativity and English aptitude.
Literary events, such as the Spelling Bee, Impromptu Speaking, Word-Search, Reading and Crossword, tested the enthusiastic participants on their knowledge and command over the English language. Meanwhile, young Picassos were expressing their creative vision using glass, masks and even waste material! The art made on that day ranged from complex geometric designed coasters and table mats, to dream catchers and even paintings without using brushes.
The eventful afternoon reminded one about the power of expression, expressed from the pen or the paint palate. 210 children from 8 XYZ groups across
Mumbai spelled, painted, created and wrote through the day. It culminated into the Prize Distribution Ceremony, which was attended by parents, with trophies and certificates distributed to the winners, with Ketayun’s Conquerors being declared the overall winning group.
XYZ thanks JB Vachha High School for allowing the usage of its facilities at no charge, with a special thanks to Media Partner Parsi Times for supporting all its initiatives.
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