TechKnow With Tantra: Applock

Applock is a simple lock which you can set for each of your apps to ensure privacy. It allows that app to launch only when the requisite fingerprint or password is supplied. So, you can lock your Facebook, Whatsapp or Gallery with Applock and each of these would open only with a common password. AppLock can also catch intruders by taking a picture! There’s also is a provision to show a fake error message on the app which has been locked, so that the intruder is confused. You can set different passwords for apps and even lock the whole phone using AppLock. A useful app for those who value privacy!


Yazdi Tantra

About Yazdi Tantra

Yazdi Tantra’s column is crafted for those of you who enjoy a bit of technology and love finding quirky things to do in this web and mobile savvy world. This entrepreneur celebrates his interest in the field of web based technologies with his columns and other websites like and Community centric Of course, his Parsi Times column is our favourite!

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