You, Youth And ‘You’nity!

Dear Readers,

There are three pillars which uphold the existence, stability and longevity of a community, its proverbial legs which keep it aloft and thriving – especially for a community as minuscule as ours. The first pillar is ‘Unity’ – the very core of every community, the ability to stay as one, speak in one voice, share a common vision and work towards its best interests… and not just during a crisis.

The second pillar ensures a community’s ability to take on challenges and hold fort through the storms – its ‘Youth’. The energy brought in by the youth is matchlessly empowering, but for that, the youth need to feel belonging, show loyalty and grow a sense of interest and responsibility in community affairs and wellbeing. This, to a large extent, depends on their upbringing.

The third, and possibly the most crucial pillar, is ‘You’ – the individual community member, who, in plurality, forms the community. It is You who provides the sustenance and reinforcement of a community’s ‘Unity’. It is You who comprises the ‘Youth’ at one stage, to eventually become responsible, directly or indirectly, for raising the next generation.

All three pillars – Unity, Youth and You – need to be fortified and work in unison to deliver desired results. A fractured Unity, an indifferent Youth and a negligent You, will end up gnawing at the very fabric that holds a community together, leaving it riddled with uncertainties and insecurities. Just like it is today, not sure of what the future holds, in matters pertaining to aspects like its very survival or religious sustenance.

They say the best way to predict the future is to create it. Had we worked towards creating a stronger, more united front as a community, which had its youth at the forefront rooting for it, we would have been in a better place today. But this is what happens, when instead of having our ducks in a row, we choose to simply have rows with each other.

However, hope does rear its head intermittently, whenever the community is faced with crises – and that’s when we come together. But we need to ensure that this spirit of Unity becomes a permanent aspect, as opposed to simply making guest appearances during urgencies and threats. And we need to reinforce it with greater Youth interest and participation. And both these prerequisites depend on You!

Have a good weekend!

– Anahita

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