– ‘Let Me Stand Purified In The Presence Of Ahura Mazda!’ – . . For us Zoroastrians, Fire has long been a symbol of our worship. We revere fire and relate its light and energy to the magnificent energy of Pak Dadar Ahura Mazda. We bow in reverence to our holy fires and perform […]
Author: Daisy P. Navdar
The Earth And Prayer
From nature we get all our blessings – the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food that nourishes our body, the shelter we get from this earth, the cure to our many ills and even the fuel that runs our economy. We get all this, and more freely and abundantly, we must gratefully […]
Pain And Prayer
. “Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility.” – Kahlil Gibran Just the other day, I was at my school reunion. During the […]
The Significance Of The Seven Amesha Spentas
. The first seven days, according to our calendar, are named after the Seven Ameshaspands. Each of these also has some helpers or assistants who assist them in performing their righteous duty. The significance of the Ameshaspands is as given under: Dadar Hormuzd – the Wisdom and the Spirit of God (Spenta Mainyu): Every man […]
Angrehmainyu And His Best Friend, Anger
. “Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret” – Ambrose Bierce Christian philosophy identifies and warns us against the seven deadly sins – these are: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth. What is categorized as deadly sins are also human failings. At some […]
Dastur Azar Kaiwan Bin Azar Gushasp
. It is wonderful to discover that one of our very own Dasturjis was a highly evolved soul, who not only was revered by Parsis, but also respected greatly by other communities… even as of today. It is none other than Dasturji Azar Kaiwan Bin Azar Gushasp! The name Azar Kaiwan means cold fire or […]
The Money Manthra
. Money makes the world go round. Today, by far, the greatest challenge we face is to earn more than our needs determine. Most salaried folks look forward to that wonderful ping on the phone that tells them that their salary has been credited to their account. The upward trajectory of the cost of living […]
Time And Ahura Mazda
So many of us lead busy lives. We end up having no time on our hands for most mundane tasks. But there are some things which we all do everyday, without fail. We brush our teeth, bathe and eat meals; at least this much we do daily, even if we have slept at 2:00 am […]
Aspe Siyahi And Yatha Ahu Vairyo
. In the court of the Kayanian King Vishtasp, Zarathustra occupied an exalted position. He was made to sit on a special throne, next to the King himself. This invited the jealously of the other courtiers of the court of Vishtasp. They hatched a plot, wherein they proved Zarathustra to be an evil wizard who […]
Mino Ram Yazad and Marriage
. “Yes, you shall be together in even in the silent memory of God. But let there be spaces in your togetherness. And let the winds of heaven dance between you. Love one another, but make not a bond of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.” Kahlil […]
The Protocol Of Death
The passing away of a loved one or even an acquaintance is indeed a tough situation to face. This is not an attempt to debate for or against the efficacy of the Dokhmenashini system. However, should we choose to have the last rites at the Doongerwadi, then there is protocol to follow. In recent years, […]