Lower Cross Syndrome

Like the Upper Cross Syndrome (discussed in the previous article), the Lower Cross Syndrome (LCS) is one of the most common compensatory patterns and a postural disorder in the lower back, pelvis, and hip joints of the muscles. The ‘Unterkreuz syndrome’ is also known as pelvic crossed syndrome, Lower Crossed Syndrome or Distal Crossed Syndrome. […]

A ‘Fast’ Cure!

Modern medicine’s greatest challenges are metabolic diseases: Obesity, type2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Blood Cholesterol, and Fatty Liver – collectively known as the Metabolic Syndrome. The roots of Metabolic Syndrome lie in our modern eating-habits – abundance of sugar, dairy and meat, artificial colours and flavors, artificial sweeteners and overdependence on refined and processed […]

Beyond Meat…

There is enough for every man’s needs, but not for his greed! The demand for meat consumption globally is similar – and Mother Earth is running out of resources to provide it. The meat industry uses up exorbitant amounts of land and water, making it the number one contributor to deforestation and climate change. If […]

Hungry For More?

  Are you also wondering how to lose weight? Over the past few weeks, my inbox has been brimming with requests from readers trying to lose weight. Our conventional ideas about weight loss – ‘eat less, move more’ – requires a lot of willpower. Counting calories, exercising every day and fighting hunger! Eventually, people give […]

Breathe Easy!

During these unprecedented times, it’s crucial that we stay home and work safely, but more importantly, that we keep our lungs and immune systems healthy to improve our body’s ability to fight off infections. As you know, COVID-19 obstructs respiratory pathways with thick mucus. For medicines and treatments to work, the airways must be open […]

Beating The Pandemic Blues

Already experiencing pandemic fatigue, many of us feel ill-prepared to endure another lockdown. With no clear end in sight, coronavirus is having a massive negative effect on mental health, with many experiencing stress, anxiety and insomnia. With the new variants spreading even faster, people’s emotional health is likely to give way under the strain of […]