In this fifteenth part of ‘The Zen Series’, a Zen master’s answer to a monk’s innocent question, reveals great wisdom to be applied in life! Two men visit a Zen master. The first man says, “I’m thinking of moving to this town. What’s it like?” The Zen master asks, “What was your old town like?” […]
Author: Kashmira Shaw Raj
The Zen Series: Own Who You Are!
In this fourteenth part of ‘The Zen Series’, a Zen master’s answer to a monk’s innocent question, reveals great wisdom to be applied in life! You Are What You Are! According to an ancient Indian fable, a mouse was in constant distress because of its fear of the cat. A magician took pity on it […]
The Zen Series: Embracing Your Challenges
In this thirteenth part of ‘The Zen Series’, a Zen master’s answer to a monk’s innocent question, reveals great wisdom to be applied in life! No Cold And Heat A monk once asked Zen master, Tozan, “How can we escape the cold and the heat?” Tozan replied, “Why not go where there is no cold […]
The Zen Series: The Four Monks
In this twelfth part of ‘The Zen Series’, the short story, ‘The Four Candles’ throws much light on that which needs to be deeply understood! Four monks decided to meditate silently, without speaking for two weeks. They lit a candle as a symbol of their practice and began. By nightfall on the first day, the […]
The Zen Series: The Crystal Cup
In this eleventh part of ‘The Zen Series’, the short story about the Crystal Cup provides you a good gulp of wisdom! A Zen master was given a beautifully crafted crystal cup. It was a gift from a former student. He was very grateful. Every day, he enjoyed drinking out of his cup. He would […]
The Zen Series: The Frog That Made It
In this tenth part of ‘The Zen Series’, the short story about staying true to one’s own sense of resilience leaves much food for thought! A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, when two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how […]
The Zen Series: The Finest Is The Simplest
In this ninth part of ‘The Zen Series’, the short story about elderly gentlemen in Japan leaves much to reflect over! There was a group of elderly gentlemen in Japan who would meet over tea to exchange news. One of their diversions was to search for costly varieties of tea and create new blends that […]
The Zen Series: The Gates Of Paradise
In the eighth episode of ‘The Zen Series’, we learn an important lesson based on the story – ‘The Gates of Paradise’. A soldier named Nobushige came to Hakuin, and asked, “Is there really a paradise and a hell?” “Who are you?” inquired Hakuin. “I am a samurai,” the warrior replied. “You, a soldier!” exclaimed […]
A Heart With Hope Finds Happiness!
Our lives are interconnected by an intricate web of emotions. But the one thread that binds all together is that of love, compassion, faith and most importantly, hope. Humankind has never lost hope – be there earthquakes, famines, financial or personal setbacks – we pick up the pieces and keep going, with the conviction that […]
The Zen Series: The Girl At The River
In the seventh episode of ‘The Zen Series’, we learn an important lesson based on the story about ‘The Girl At The River’. A senior monk and his junior monk were traveling together. At one point, they came to a river with a strong current. As the monks were preparing to cross the river, they […]
This time, ‘The Zen Series’ shares the story about the how we can see the world in a drop of water by extending our consciousness onto things… A Zen Master asked a young student to bring him a pail of water to cool his bath. The student brought the water, and after cooling the bath, […]