In the Zoroastrian calendar every month is dedicated to either an Amesha Spenta (Arch Divinity) or a Yazata (Hamkaar or co-worker of the Amesha Spenta). The month of Dae is dedicated to the Supreme Amesha Spenta, Dadaar Hormuzd – The Creator, Dae Dadaar. It is a month of thanksgiving to the Creator and one way […]
Author: Noshir H. Dadrawala
Is Iran Still A Vacation Destination?
For Parsi Zoroastrians, Iran is not only a place of pilgrimage or historical insight, but also a place that provides a new perspective on life. It is not a place just for staid elderly couples, but, quite a ‘happening’ place. As part of the SVG team, I’ve visited Iran over 22 times over a […]
Tune In To The Times With Parsi Times!
It’s hard to believe how quickly time flies, but, it does. Parsi Times is now seven years old. Seven is a favourite number all over the world. Many consider it to be a lucky number. There are seven days of the week, seven colours of the rainbow, seven notes on a musical scale, seven seas […]
Adar – The Divinity Of Light And Life
Adar is the Divinity that presides over fire. In the Zoroastrian calendar, Adar is the ninth day of every month of thirty days and also the ninth month of the year of twelve months. Nine is a sacred number across several religious traditions. In the Zoroastrian tradition, Prophet Zarathustra is often depicted holding a nine-knotted […]
‘Fat And Fit’ or ‘Lean And Mean’? Whose Life Is It Anyway!
“Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o’ nights: Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.” By William Shakespeare (1564–1616) From ‘Julius Cæsar’(Act I. Sc. 2) Recently I received a morning SMS from a fitness guru pontificating, […]
Avan Ardvisura Anahita – The Divine Purifier
It is the Holy month of Avan according to the Shehenshahi calendar. Avan (Persian Aban) is the Divinity or Energy of Ahura Mazda presiding over the Waters. The name Avan is derived from the word Aap or Aapo. It is a Divine Cosmic Force that purifies and sustains the entire cosmos. In the Avesta, this […]
Community Strength Lies In Togetherness
If, as a community, you think you are beaten, you are, If, as a community, you want to win, but think you can’t, It is almost certain you won’t. A community’s victory doesn’t always depend on its wealth or numbers, But sooner or later the community that wins …..Is the community THAT THINKS IT CAN! […]
Holi – Heralding Hope And Happiness!
The festivals of India are rich, varied and colourful! However, the festival of Holi is perhaps the most colourful, both literally and figuratively. Dancing and clowning around after intake of bhang and smearing loved ones, and often even the not-so-loved ones, with varied hues, celebrates warmth, friendship and putting aside old differences. However, the more […]
Gender Parity – A Fundamental Zoroastrian Precept
. The status of a woman in Zoroastrian society has always been highly emancipated and elevated. In fact, a fundamental precept of the Zoroastrian religion is gender parity or equality. Men and women are treated as equal and our history is replete with examples of women who were trained like men to ride a horse […]
Meher Davar – The Divine Judge
In the Zoroastrian Calendar the year comprises twelve Mah (months) with each month aggregating exactly thirty Roj (days) and thus a year of three hundred and sixty days to which are added the stand-alone five days of the Gatha which are not linked to any particular month. The fifteenth day every month is dedicated to […]
Frya The Beloved
Love knows no reasons, love knows no lies. Love defies all reasons, love has no eyes. But, LOVE IS NOT BLIND, LOVE SEES, BUT DOESN’T MIND! What do we associate 14th February with? Flowers, candy, cute cuddly teddy bears, red hearts, candle-lit dinners and romance. Isn’t that what Valentine’s day is generally all about? Well, […]