Us Parsis are remarkably unique, undoubtedly quirky, comparably idiocentric, with a race, religion and ethos all our own. You may be born in Mumbai, may have moved to Montreal, studied in Jamshedpur, interned in Japan, worked in Oman, and immigrated to Ontario… but immaterial of where life takes you and […]
Author: Veera Shroff Sanjana
How To Separate The Men From The Boys
No matter who you choose to marry, partner or single out, there are always early signs that distinguish a man from the boys. Choose well, choose wise, choose someone who exhibits emotional maturity in all aspects of life. Turning eighteen does not necessarily make a boy mature or evolved enough to course the path of […]
The Attributes Of Intelligent People
Teaching is genuinely a gratifying profession. Ask any teacher who teaches for the love of it. For years, I have taught truly gifted students as also those now categorised as development students… the ones who most has sort of give up on, the ones often told they need more remedial classes before they’re even allowed […]
Why Do We Pray?
Do you believe there is power in prayer? Do you hold enough faith to know that a kind and generous God answers your prayers, eases your burdens and smoothly alleviates all your suffering? Do you communicate and talk with Him every day, often enough? What has your experience been? Are you a rational, doubtful soul […]
Making The Best Choices In Life…
As we go through life, we accumulate wisdom – about what and who we really are. Wisdom comes with age but if you’re reasonably truthful , this knowledge is yours through all stages of life. We recognise who we are, what’s really important, and how to live life as productively and happily for ourselves as […]
And I Choose Joy Above All Else!
It’s astonishing how little we credit Joy! Joy is a state of mind. It’s neither temperamental nor conditional like happiness can be. The two have fuzzy lines between them, but Joy somehow seems the real deal. These days, few know how to carve joy in their world. Joy is momentary and comes from an intense, […]
Connecting With Your Spirit Guides
Do you at times feel a tingling sensation all over? Do you sometimes sense a gentle presence all around you? Do you dream vividly? Have you ever had a persistent thought that refuses to leave you? When alone, have you always felt you had someone around looking out for you? Do you believe in the […]
Mommy Dearest!!!
Veera is a published Author (‘Endured’ and ‘#LoveBitesLifeHacks’) and Columnist; a passionate Educator and Counsellor; Poet and Philosopher… but most of all, a lover of all things literary. Mommies are made of different moulds. Parenting styles are determined not just by what we believe, but by who we are. Different personalities parent differently. Once a […]
Words Have Power!
We at Parsi Times are proud to announce the completion of ten amazing years. Undoubtedly – a time of jubilation and achievement, considering how far this publication has reached, in so short a time. But in keeping with the current challenging times, we have chosen to regard this milestone more as a time for deep […]
Are you Emotionally Sophisticated?
Let’s not confuse issues here. Many people, I would safely venture, practically everyone, is normally on this whirlwind, merry-go-round of emotions. As humans, we are wired to feel, act, respond and live emotionally. We grow up as confused balls of pent-up emotional energy, trying our best to suppress, or at best, cope with negative emotions, […]
It Don’t Matter To Me!
One of the more difficult aspects about implementing changes in our life is how we deal with people. All relationships – with friends, family, colleagues or team-mates come with opinions, judgements and approval or disapproval. It’s certainly not unrealistic to seek approval and appreciation from those you know or at least, the ones who matter […]