Dear Readers, Tomorrow, 12th May, 2024, marks the onset of one of the most auspicious months of the Parsi calendar – Dae Mahino, dedicated to our Creator, the Supreme Amesha Spenta – Dadaar Hormazd. Considered the month of giving thanks to the Creator, every year, Jasans are performed at homes, Parsi-owned workplaces and at our […]
Tag: Editor-in-Chief
The Marvellous Mango!
Dear Readers, One of the very few redeeming aspects about the sweltering summers is the marvellous mango that comes with it! It’s easy to lose those sweaty summer struggles in the magnificent mango magic, as it transports us to paradise via our taste-buds… whether eaten plain or as those irresistible desserts and dishes highlighted in […]
Community Engagement Is Community Empowerment Dear Readers, Being born in the Parsi community is a privilege. We’re blessed with a platform that commands respect and admiration… not to forget the unparalleled benefits inherited from our visionary forefathers, known for their legendary industriousness and philanthropy. There are Trusts that cater to all our needs, like they […]