Bloody Atrocious! Dear Readers, Having been a media professional for over twenty years now, I’ve seen some serious lows to which people can stoop for a few minutes in the media spotlight. And believe me, I’ve witnessed a good amount of preposterous behaviour… verging from the ridiculous to the insane – I thought I’d seen […]
Tag: Editorial
From The Editor’s Desk
Resurrections And Ripples Dear Readers, It’s never too late to start anew – If it was once there, it still lies in you, Covered and lost under the shroud Of fear, hesitation and self-doubt. Self-resolve and a sprinkling of faith Is what it takes to resurrect the innate, Let ripples of faith replace the ‘how, […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Take A Minute, Change A Life Dear Readers, Last Sunday, 10th September, marked ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’, and the title of this editorial, ‘Take A Minute, Change A Life’, is the theme for this year. This line really got me thinking… especially when I read the statistics – worldwide, every year about three million (thirty […]
From The Editor’s Desk
‘Fate’ Accompli Or Free Will? Dear Readers, There is perhaps another religion as empowering as our Zoroastrian religion. We are told to pursue happiness, to keep our minds and bodies in a state of happiness (little surprise then, our love for music and food!) by following the simple yet profound tenets of Good Thoughts, Good […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Dear Readers, Every so often, all over the world, Mother Nature sends us humbling reminders about the fragility of our existence, the miniscule presence we occupy on the face of the earth, but more importantly, leaves us wondering if we have learnt from the lessons of the past, enough to be prepared to better handle […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Make It Happen! Dear Readers, I’m sure most of us must have set foot into our navu varas, amidst much fanfare and celebrations, as we absolutely must – fun, food and laughter is the hallmark of our Community! It’s always lovely to be showered with warm greetings by our family and friends on New Year […]
સાલ-મુબારક અને જય હિન્દ!
વહાલા વાંચકો, પારસી ટાઈમ્સની ટીમ વતી મને આપણા બમ્પર સ્પેશિયલ નવરોઝ અંક તમને વચન આપ્યા પ્રમાણે જેનો મુખ્ય વિષય પારસી સંસ્કૃતિ ઉજવી રહ્યો છે જેની સાથે ઘણું બધું આજે વાંચકો સામે પ્રસ્તુત કરતા ખૂબ આનંદ મળી રહ્યો છે. ‘બીયીંગ પારસી’ જે બધા સાથે પાછો જોડાવાનો સાર છે. પારસી સમુદાયમાં આ અંક ઐતિહાસિક રીતે યાદ રહી […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Saal Mubarak and Jai Hind! Dear Readers, On behalf of Team Parsi Times, it gives me immense pleasure to present you with our Bumper Special Navroze Issue, which celebrates our quirky, adorable Parsi Culture. This issue brings you all that’s promised and more… it aims to reconnect you with the essence of ‘being Parsi’ in […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Dear Readers, I know I speak for all of us when I say it’s disparaging as a self-respecting Parsi, to witness our community making news in the national dailies for the wrong reasons, yet again. It is not just common, but also healthy, for any community to have differences – we are, after all, regarded […]
From The Editor’s Desk
God-Fearing Or God-Loving? Dear Readers, Some months ago, a lovely Parsi woman, settled abroad, dropped in to our office, and as she shared a few amusing stories about her take on Parsipanu in India and abroad, I couldn’t help but notice her habitual use of the phrase, ‘God-fearing Parsi’, in reference to herself and to […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Happy Birthday To PT! Dear Readers, As Parsi Times completes a successful sixth year and sets foot into its glorious seventh orbit, on behalf of all at Parsi Times, I thank you – our ardent readers and steadfast supporters – for your boundless encouragement, high-spirited participation and invaluable guidance through this momentous journey. Thanks to […]