From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

PT Presents ‘Parsi-Preneurs’! Dear Readers, Our community has always been hailed for its inimitable acumen in entrepreneurship and enterprise. The grit, hard work and determination of our visionary forefathers, who settled in this magical nation, catapulted and redefined our presence as a small community with large contributions – having delivered numerous pioneers of modern India. […]

From the Editors Desk

With Great Power Comes Great Irresponsibility!?! Dear Readers, An aspect that stands out during current times, which will also go on to leave an indelible mark (or should we say blotch?) on the history of mankind, in addition to the pandemic – is the abject collapse of leadership. At all levels – nationally, globally… or, […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

Two Main Take-aways… Dear Readers, The last fourteen months have been nothing if not one of humanity’s most profound learning curves. There’s a number of invaluable lessons we’ve had to learn the hard way since the onset of the pandemic. The new ‘at-home’ normal – be it ‘work-from-home’ or simply ‘stay-at-home’ – clubbed with the […]

From the Editors Desk

It’s Not The Gun, It’s The Hand That Holds It… Dear Readers, As if most of us weren’t already over-dosing on various Social Media and Messaging Platforms (SMMPs), these digital services have assumed an even greater significance since the outbreak of the pandemic. And with good reason…  these cater to one of our most innate […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

Reasons To Smile Dear Readers, It hit the community like the much-needed and much-missed feeling of joy, amidst the ongoing gloom, to know that after twenty-eight long years, a member of our Parsi community had once again made it to the Indian Cricket Team! Nargol’s Arzan Nagwaswalla has been the toast of our cricket-crazy community […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

The Unparalleled Power Of Unity Dear Readers, The power of unity is often undermined. There’s much power in unity – we can only accomplish so much by ourselves. But united, we can move mountains and create movements that deliver tangible changes and give us hope for the future – the one thing we’ve all been clutching […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

‘TEN’darosti To Aapru PT! Dear Readers, Your favourite publication, aapru Parsi Times, is now ten years old!! And what a fabulous ten years it’s been… all thanks to the constant support, appreciation, encouragement, critique and guidance from YOU – our lovely readers! It is your patronship and faith in PT, which has hoisted our popularity […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

A Time To Pray… Dear Readers, India’s response to the second wave of the deadly pandemic, much like the virus itself, has mutated from grappling with the virus, to crumbling under its predominance over our efforts… to helplessly watching the near collapse of the systems that were supposed to protect us. India continues to lead […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

Dear Readers, I’ve been receiving a number of emails from community members sharing their fears and confusion as regards the safety and/or the need of taking the vaccine – in keeping with the endless contradictory messages we receive on social media platforms and WhatsApp. While some messages give us a sense of relief and consolation […]