Letters To The Editor

Note Of Appreciation From BPP Trustees Very recently, a Parsi Zoroastrian family residing overseas, have graciously come forward and voluntarily surrendered their flat to the BPP, without expecting any kind of monetary compensation. The entire Board of Trustees of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP), expresses their wholehearted gratitude to this family. At their request we […]

Letters To The Editor

Re: Udvada Gets A Facelift As reported in Parsi Times dated 17th February 2018, it has indeed taken an unfortunate tragedy to give Udvada Station a facelift and increase the height of the existing platforms.  While State-of-the Art amenities are most welcome at this “Pilgrimage-Destination Station”, crossing the Foot-Over-Bridge upon arrival / departure, is an […]