On 29th November, 2016, the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) decided to peacefully part ways with its seven-year old youth wing, ZYNG, via a majority vote based on the motion proposed by Trustee Noshir Dadrawala and supported by Chairman Yazdi Desai and Trustee Kersi Randeria. Since this was trustee Zarir Bhathena’s first meeting after his recovery […]
Tag: Noshir Dadrawala
“Enough Is Enough! Please Let Us Work!”
Say BPP’s Majority Trustees
In a path-breaking development taking place at the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP), the four majority Trustees – Chairman Yazdi Desai and Trustees Noshir Dadrawala, Kersi Randeria and Zarir Bhathena – have taken a positive and bold step to resolve the problem of Housing for over 30 families of our community, who were kept waiting to […]
New BPP Board Turns One!
BPP Chairman, Yazdi Desai: “On 23rd October 2016, I completed one year as Chairman of the BPP and I can look back on the last one year as quite fulfilling. The new Board has covered extensive ground on all fronts including housing, kick-starting long term housing projects, strengthening the administration, settling legal cases, plugging financial […]
CAP Celebrates 30 Years
On 7th November 2016, the Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy (CAP) completed thirty years of service to India’s philanthropic sector. Established as a Section 25 (now Section 8) not-for-profit Company, it has domain expertise in matters concerning charity laws, income tax exemptions and deductions, FCRA and CSR compliance. However, it has now evolved and expanded […]
Political Face-Off
Let me start by apologizing for this sordid state of affairs at the BPP. Never, when I stood for elections, did I expect some of my fellow Trustees to behave this way. A lot is to be said and explained, but for now, let me address only the allegations made by Trustee Yazdi Desai […]
Arrest Imminent? Dadi House Controversy Resolved!
A press briefing was called yesterday afternoon at the Garware Club House by BPP Chairman Yazdi Desai and ex-Trustee Khojeste Mistree, to expose alleged irregularities by former BPP Chairman and Trustee Viraf Mehta’s father, Dinshaw Mehta in a tenancy transfer matter at Dadi House. The panel of speakers who addressed the Press in addition to […]
Bahman – The Divinity Of Wisdom
As we welcome Bahman Mahino this Monday, 13th June, 2016, most of us associate the month with abstinence from consuming meat. Many who don’t observe vegetarianism for the entire Bahman month, tend to stay vegetarian for a day, on ‘Bahman Mahino, Bahman Roj’, which falls on Tuesday, the 14th of June. Noshir Dadrawala demystifies and […]