Saal Mubarak!

Dear Readers, It gives me immense pleasure to present you our Bumper Special Parsi New Year Special Issue, celebrating ‘Happiness’ as our central theme, to further boost the celebratory mood and festive spirit of the community’s most auspicious occasion. Aren’t we a lucky lot to be born into this fabulous, unique Parsi culture! The only […]

Tassology: Predictions In A Cup! Yearly Horoscope Based On Tea-Leaf Readings

Tassology (also known as Tasseography or Tasseomancy) is the ancient art of identifying symbols and interpreting messages found in the shapes and configurations of tea-leaves, in a cup. This method of divination or fortune-telling is known to offer profound and often accurate results. The following predictions are applicable to you based on your month of […]

Dr. Cyres Mehta Brings First ‘Fully Digital Microscope System’ For Eye Surgery In India And South Asia

At the helm of all path-breaking, global advancements in eye care, Dr. Cyres Mehta has been consistently setting new standards and breakthroughs, making our Community and Nation proud, with his numerous ‘Firsts’ – be it in terms of successful eye procedures or advancements in eye care or his own personal achievements which have the ophthalmic […]

The New Year Happiness Challenge: A 30-Day Guide To Greater Well-Being

Psychologist Mehezabin Dordi practices at the Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital, where she assesses, formulates and implements comprehensive therapeutic interventions for patients with psychological / psychiatric problems, and others. Everyone seeks happiness but each one of us defines it differently – in terms of what it is that gives us joy, satisfaction, contentment, and […]

Hormones And Happiness

In our constant search for happiness, we often look to our achievements, relationships and possessions, forgetting about the fascinating processes within our bodies. At the core of our emotional well-being is a complex mix of hormones that greatly influence how we feel. These chemical messengers – Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Endorphins play key roles in […]