Thirteen long centuries ago, when the Kian Glory fled past our ancestors for ever, when the crown and sceptre of the great Sassanian Empire fell, when the fame and fortune of the greatest kingdom of the day left them, when friendless and forlorn they stood and knew not where to turn, Thou our eternal friend, […]
Tag: Religion
Farokh Fravardin – A month of Good Fortune and Happiness dedicated to the Holy Spirit
Fravardin is the first month of the Zoroastrian calendar and very appropriately so because the month is dedicated to the Fravashi or Farohar, which is the prototype of all creation. In the Zoroastrian tradition while invoking Fravardin, we use the epitaph Farokh which means fortunate and happy. In our prayers we recite, “Mah Farokh Fravardin” […]
આપણી ધાર્મિક વિધિઓને સમજીએ!
‘બોય’ આપવાનું મહત્વ શું છે અને કેબલામાં નવ વખત ઘંટડી કેમ વગાડવામાં આવે છે? એરવદ હરવેસ્પ: બોય આપવાની ક્રિયા એ ઘણી મહત્વની છે જેનાથી ખરાબ શક્તિનો નાશ થાય છે. બોય આપતી વખતે આતશ નીન્યાએશ ભણાય છે અને દુશ્માતા, દુઝુકતા, દુઝવરશ્તા (ખરાબ વિચારો, ખરાબ શબ્દો અને ખરાબ કર્મો) ભણતા દુષ્ટતા અને નકારાત્મક શક્તિને દૂર કરવા એક […]
Give Me Bodily Health, I Pray
Health is happiness. It is the greatest blessing of life. With health, life has everything, without it, it has nothing. Health is the richest possession of man upon Earth. Blank and empty is life when it is bereft of health. Dead is the joy in life, where health is lacking. Nor birth, nor wealth, nor […]
Understanding Our Religious Rituals
PT: What is the significance of the ‘boi’ and ringing the bell nine times in the kebla? Er. Harvesp: The Boi is a very significant ceremony performed, as we drive out evil which tries to overpower the good. During Boi, the Mobed recites the Atash Ni Nyaish, rings the bell on the words dushmata, duzukhta, […]
જરથુસ્ત્ર સાહેબના જીવનની ઝાંખી
ખોરદાદ સાલના પ્રસંગે તમારી સામે આપણા તેજસ્વી જરથુસ્ત્ર પયગમ્બર સાહેબના જીવનની અને ભણતરની એક વિશિષ્ટ ઝાંખી રજૂ કરી રહ્યા છે.‘પ્રોફેટ’ માટેનો ફારસી શબ્દ પેગમ્બર અથવા વક્ષશુર છે (પહલવી શબ્દ વક્શવરના શબ્દ પરથી ઉતરી આવ્યો છે જેનો અર્થ થાય છે) ‘ભગવાનના શબ્દોનું વહન કરનાર’. આપણે જીભથી પવિત્ર મંત્રોનું ઉચ્ચારણ કરીએ છીએ એટલે જીભ દ્વારા ભગવાન તરફથી […]
May Tishtrya’s Rain Bring Fruition To Our Fields!
Thou, Ahura Mazda, hast created Tishtrya, the radiant, glorious star genius of the rain, the lord of all other stars, for the fertility of the fields, farms and all other lands. Men and beasts, birds and plants, trees and rivers, streams and thirsty earth, look eagerly and entreatingly to the rising of the star Tishtrya, […]
DPA Head Priest Mentors New Navars
Er. Cawas Bagli, Head Priest, DPA invited two newly ordained Navars, 12-year-olds – Jehan Madon and Malcolm Bajan – to join him in the Muktad prayers at Delhi’s Dar-e-Meher. The young Mobeds praying with Er. Bagli has thus laid the foundation of a new generation of devoted Mobeds who will continue our religious prayers and […]
A Glimpse Into The Life And Teachings Of Prophet Zarathushtra
Asho Zarathushtra is universally regarded as the First Prophet. He was the first to receive Ahura Mazda’s message and yet, there is so little, we, his followers who call ourselves Zoroastrian or Zarathushti know about him. Quite often, we don’t even spell or pronounce his name correctly. Many do not know the names of his […]
Are You Performing Your Kusti Prayer Correctly?
PT: How did we start the practice of wearing the Sudreh and Kusti? What is the relevant vow made during our Navjote ceremony? Er. Ramiyar: Wearing the Sudreh and Kusti is an ancient practice introduced by King Jamshed, even before the times of prophet Zarathushtra. Navjote is the ritual in which a Zoroastrian child is […]
Message Of The Holy Gathas
What makes us like Zarathushtra among others who were enlightened? To begin with, Zarathushtra was not against life or any of its joys and bounties. All that he was against was falsehood and hypocrisy. He was not against creating wealth; in fact he saw prosperity as positive and poverty as negative. Zarathushtra was not against […]