Every now and then, people pledge to work on their health and fitness. They set goals, timelines, and gleefully craft action steps. There’s excitement and spring in the step! Everything seems sorted and in place. Hooray! Motivation is in the air! Alas, the kick and drive fades away, as sublimely as camphor on a […]
Tag: weekly
Er. Darius Dastur Ordained Navar
Nine-year-old Er. Darius Dastur was ordained Navar on 24th December, 2018, at Rustom Faramna Agiary, Dadar. Son of Er. Barjor Dastur and Khursheed Dastur, brother of Mahtab Dastur and grandson of late Mehernosh Dastur and late Nargesh Dastur (paternal) and Er. Hoshang Buchia and Perin Buchia (maternal), Darius learnt his Navar prayers in Houston, Texas, […]
Tech Know With Tantra – Pin a Chat on WhatsAppVolume 08 – Issue 39, 12th January 2018, Parsi Times, Parsi, News, Zoroastrians, Parsis of Bombay, Mumbai, news, deliver, truth, weekly,
WhatsApp is one of the most preferred media for instant text communications across the world, both for formal and informal connections. Over a period of time, the chats could get cluttered and overwhelming, leading to some important messages getting missed out or ignored. In order to avoid this, Whatsapp provides a provision to ‘Pin’ messages from […]
Only A Life Lived For Others Is A Life Worthwhile!
A Hundred and five Godrejites from Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., will participate, for the 12th consecutive year, in the ‘TATA Mumbai Marathon – 2019’ taking place on 20th January, 2019, with the aim of supporting 3 genuine, disadvantaged NGOs – the Republican Sports Club, where Merzban Patel identifies, coaches and mentors talented underprivileged children in Hockey […]
Caption This – 12th January
Calling all our readers to caption this picture! The wittiest caption will win a fabulous prize! Send in your captions at mailparsitimes@gmail.com by 16th January, 2019. Winner: Modi: “Tame ‘Accidental’ Prime Minister, to hoon ‘Intercontinental’ Prime Minister!!” -By Roshan K. Bhathena
Genre: Biography, Drama Rating: 2/5 108 minutes Director: Vijay Ratnakar Gutte The film could be termed a severe disappointment, or a hilarious take on the political scenario of our country from 2004-2014, which was the period when a certain, and ‘contingent’ gentleman held the office of India’s Prime Minister. It all depends on which side […]
Parsis And Education In India – Part II
The Early Seeds of Modern Education The modernization process among the Parsis was accelerated by travels by sea to England. For the Hindus at that time it was a taboo to travel by sea. Since the first Parsi had visited England in 1723, the number of Parsis who studied or transacted business in England grew […]
Don’t Miss ZTFI’s ANNUAL FEST ’19!
Known for its comprehensive and consistent philanthropic activities to help sustain the livelihood of the underprivileged of our community with dignity, the Zoroastrian Trust Funds of India (ZTFI) presents its ‘Annual Fest ’19’ (Pg. 8) on the 26th of January, 2019, as its Fund-raiser, to boost and continue its numerous charitable ventures. The Annual Fest […]
Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha Pass ‘Forwards Quota’ Bill
10% General Category Quota Open To Parsi Community
The Lok Sabha (323-3 margin) and Rajya Sabha (165-7 margin) have cleared a landmark Bill to be brought in Parliament, seeking to provide 10% reservation in Government higher education institutions and Government jobs to the economically backward among the ‘General Category’. For the first time, a quota in jobs and educational institutions, on the basis of economic […]
BPP Clarifies GWG Issue
. There have been a lot of rumours floating around about the formalization of the GWG and the BPP’s support towards this. This is not true and we are issuing this public clarification to clear any doubts or misconceptions on the same. During the GWG meeting held on December 21st, discussions were held to formalize […]
BPP, What’s Going On?
. Yet again the BPP has got the social media platforms buzzing and made it into the national dailies, for all the wrong reasons – at the cost of its own disparagement, and worse, at the sinful cost of reinforcing, instead of repairing the already tarnished image of our Community, thanks to the constant infighting […]