Though Ahmedabad’s 37-year-old Sunny Karanjawala lost his eyesight (100% visually impaired) in a tragic incident nine years ago, he has realized and earned his dream of being awarded a PhD (Doctorate) in Management. Despite the lack of reference material in Braille or any reserved seats for the visually impaired, Sunny’s grit and steely determination saw […]
Tag: years
The Iconic IISc Turns 110
Established on 27 May, 1909, 110 years ago, in Bangalore, the Indian Institute of Science or IISc, was conceived in the 1800s by India’s foremost businessman and philanthropist – our own, Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata. The then British Government in India passed a vesting order that established the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru on 371 acres of […]
Activity High School Celebrates Gold!
On 17th November, 2019, Activity High School celebrated its Golden Anniversary – fifty glorious years of excellence in education at the NCPA, Mumbai. The evening began with the school office bearers singing the school anthem and a vibrant swagat dance by the students. This was followed by the lighting of the lamp by the dynamic […]