(Parsi Times presents the concluding, second part of the series on the life of our beloved Prophet Asho Zarathushtra, by Noshir Dadrawala, providing a more insightful understanding about His teachings and message for humanity.) Zarathushtra’s teachings are essentially embodied in the Five Gatha – which form seventeen of the seventy-two chapters of the Yasna – […]
Tag: Zarathushtra
The Nature of Divinity
Zoroastrians worship Ahura Mazda. But, what does the term ‘Ahura Mazda’ mean? Most scholars agree that Ahura Mazda is the Lord of Wisdom – a title or quality based on the interpretation of the Avesta term, ‘Ahu-Ra’, which means ‘existing one’ or simply ‘existence’ or (source of) ‘life.’ Since ‘Ahura’ is the very source of […]
Let Me Sacrifice Myself At The Altar Of Service
Man comes not to the world just for his own good, but for the good of all mankind. He has to work unswervingly for the amelioration of the many ills which afflict all living beings. The ideal of life for man is to forget himself in his service to his fellowmen. He has to serve […]
Let Thy Light Illumine My Mind, Ahura Mazda
When twilight merges into darkness, when the light of the sun is buried in the bosom of night, I see not. I see only in light. Thou alone that art light thyself, dost see eve through the thickest darkness. Thou dost fill my soul with sunshine, when all around darkness shadows my path. Where can […]
Khojeste Mistree Enlightens Youth On Religion At ZTFE
One of our community’s most respected religious scholars, revered as the encyclopaedia on Zoroastrian religion and culture, Khojeste Mistree, recently held a four hour session with teenagers and adults in London, on ZTFE’s (Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe) repeat invitation, at the request of parents, keen on enlightening their children about our faith. He shared […]
The Legacy Of Zarathushtra
Having just celebrated the auspicious occasion of Khordad Saal, a day when we celebrate the birth of our divine prophet, Zarathushtra, I share with you this excerpt, from the research and thesis of my daughter, Rudabeh P. Navdar. Zoroaster, Guru Nanak, Mohammed, Mahavir, Jesus Christ, Krishna, Confucious, Buddha, Baha ullah, Abraham – great men, pathfinders, […]
I Will Love Truth And Live Truth With A Lifelong Passion
Truth is the paramount virtue. It embraces and embodies other virtues within its fold. It is the all-inclusive virtue. Beautiful and sublime is truth. It is divine. Knowledge is truth and goodness is truth and religion is truth and God, the giver of all, is truth. To love truth and to love God, are one […]
Good Thoughts – Vohu Mano
Daisy P. Navdar is a teacher by profession and a firm believer in the efficacy of our Manthravani. She is focused on ensuring that the deep significance of our prayers is realized by our youth. She credits her learnings and insights, shared in her articles, to all Zoroastrian priests and scholars whose efforts have contributed […]
Mazda’s Soldier Am I To Fight Wickedness And To Work For The Kingdom Of Righteousness
Thou, Ahura Mazda, hast given me this strong and healthy body. It is appended to my soul. It is the citadel of my soul. Material is my body, when spiritual is the soul. My body will one day turn to dust and my soul will wing its way heavenward to render an account of its […]
Message Of The Holy Gathas
What makes us like Zarathushtra among others who were enlightened? To begin with, Zarathushtra was not against life or any of its joys and bounties. All that he was against was falsehood and hypocrisy. He was not against creating wealth; in fact he saw prosperity as positive and poverty as negative. Zarathushtra was not against […]
Agriculture Is Man’s Noblest Profession
Ahura Mazda sent Zarathushtra for the support, care and guidance of the tillers of the land. Agriculture is the staple industry of mankind. Culture and civilization begin when man, attached to the soil, enters into the settled pursuits of agriculture. He furthers human progress and happiness. Life on the fields gives health and vigour to […]