Parsi Times shares excerpts from one of the all-time-classics – ‘In Search Of My God’ – which celebrates Zoroastrian history, religion and culture. What better way to rediscover the splendor of our great religion than by enriching the comprehension of our glorious roots and exploring the brilliance of the greatest of all religions… by the grace of Ahura Mazda!
- Yazad: Worthy of worship
- Harvesp-tavan: Omnipotent
- Harvesp-agah: Omniscient
- Harvesp-khuda: The Lord of the universe
- Abadah: Having no beginning
- Abi-anjam: Having no end
- Buneshteh: The source of all creation
- Frakhtan-teh: The noble End of everything
- Chamag: The Lord of reasoning
- Parjatarah: The Exalted
- Tum-afik: The most innocent
- Abarvand: The Unique
- Parvanda: Within everybody
- An-aiyafah: Perfection itself
- Ham-aiyafah: One who has the measure of everybody
- Adaro: The Most Righteous
- Gira: The Supreme Control
- A-chem: The causeless Cause
- Chamana: The cause of all causes
- Safna: The Bringer of prosperity
- Afaza: The Lord of Plenty
- Nasha: The friend of all
- Parvara: The Maintainer of all
- lyanah: One who looks after everybody
- Ain-aenah: The Creator of all shapes and forms
- An-ainah: Having no physical form
- Khroshidtum: The Firmest of the firm
- Minotum: The most invisible
- Vasna: Omnipresent
- Harvastum: All in all
- Hu-sepas: Deserving of thanks
- Har-hamid: Of good nature
- Har-nek-fareh: The haloed Spirit
- Besh-tarna: The Reliever of all pain and suffering
- Taronish: The Enemy of all evil
- An-aoshak: Immortal
- Farsak: The Father of all progress
- Pajoh-dahad: The Creator of good temper
- Khvafar: The supreme Judge
- Avekhshiaeya: The Merciful
- Abarza: The most generous
- A-satoh: The Unconquerable
- Rakhoh: The Independent
- Varun: Worthy of the faith reposed in Him
- A-farefah: One who never decieves
- Be-farefah: The Undeceived
- A-dui: Needing no protection
- Kame-rad: The Lord of desire
- Faruman-kam: One who can direct as He pleases
- Aekh-tan: The One and only
- A-farmosh: The unforgetful one
- Hamarna: The Settler of all accounts
- Sanaea: One who is acquainted with all
- A-tars: The Undaunted
- A-bish: Free from pain and suffering
- Afrazdum: The most Exalted
- Ham-chun: Eternally the same
- Mino-stih-gar: The Creator of heavenly peace
- Amino-gar: The Creator of all that is spiritual
- Mino-nahab: The hidden Spirit
- Adar-bad-gar: One who can change fire into air
- Adar-nam-gar: One who can change fire into water
- Bad-adar-gar: One who can change air into fire
- Bad-nam-gar: One who can change air into water
- Bad-gel-gar: One who can reduce air to ashes
- Bad-gerad-tum: One who can reduce air to dust
- Adar Kibarit-tum: One who can change fire into a precious stone
- Bad-gar-jae: One who produces fresh air everywhere
- Ab-tum: The Creator of the plentiful waters
- Gel-adar-gar: One who can transform ashes into fire
- Gel-vad-gar: One who can transform ashes into air
- Gel-nam-gar: One who can transform ashes into water
- Gar-gar: The master Artisan
- Gar-o-gar: The Fulfiller of all desires
- Gar-a-gar: The Creator of mankind
- Gar-a-gar-gar: The Creator of the entire universe
- Agara-gar: The Creator of the four elements of nature
- Agaragar-gar: The Creator of the stars
- A-guman: The Undoubted
- A-zaman: The Infinite
- A-khuan: The Ever-Awake
- Amasht: The supreme Intelligence
- Fashutana: One who looks after the well-being of all
- Padmani: The Lord of moderation
- Firozgar: The Triumphant
- Khudavand: The King of the universe
- Ahuramazd: The omniscient Creator of all life
- Abarin-kuhan-tavan: The Preserver of all that is ancient
- Abrin-no-tavan: The great Rejuvenator
- Vaspan: One who reaches the entire creation
- Vaspar: The Lord beneficent
- Khawar: The Creator of all favours
- Ahu: Existence itself, the one and only
- Awakhshidar: The Forgiver of sins
- Dadar: The Fountain of justice
- Rayomand: The Lord of all treasures
- Khorehomand: Surrounded by a halo
- Davar: One who renders even-handed justice
- Kerfegar: One who recognises all merit
- Bokhtar: The Reliever of all troubles
- Frashogar: One who has ordained the transformation from the human to the divine
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